Notes: 1. OK the Boop Troop name is starting to grow on me. 2. Question: Something more terrible than the Filthy Frank shirt? LOL 3. Confession: At first I thought it was an announcement that the video was YouTube removed or demonetized. 4. What is this “have a life” Robert speaks of? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 5. Today’s toy recording sounds like some Nerd with a sinus infection or hay-fever issues. Right? 6. “My Child Gave Me This Mug” 7. Wondering: Does Robert keep calling it “Fruit” because he doesn’t know its a honeydew melon? (⓿_⓿) 8. Anyone else see an old bath mat at the end of the scale video? 9. I am Grateful that Robert blocks out the images we do not need to see. 10. Sad. Robert can freelance a song in this video, but not for the Valentine's Day video? It was marked on the calendar, right? 11. Well, we learn to Robert’s comment post - this video was filmed a week ago. 12....