
1. I Expected to see Robert in flannel and Reality is I see him in a shirt I’ve never seem before. However, not disappointed.

2. I think I just go with the flow when things don’t go the way I expect.  Make the adjustments to make it all better for me.

3. Is that Robert playing with his paint program to make those fake Tinder pages? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

4. Come on.  If you’re a fan of Pepperoni Pizza - you know you should have a bag of spare slices just in case (and to snack on solo).

5. I like the 2nd photo much better and if you believe ~ wouldn’t you want to leave with them from today’s issues? #BeemMeUp

6. My first question after seeing the small glass would be - do you offer free refills and then tell them “just leave the bottle”. LOL

7. With so many real Canadian WWE superstars, Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, Edge and Roddy Piper, why choose one of the largest that called Canada home, but wasn’t?

8. How do we know it’s not the “got the wrong size” shirt?

9. 📍 Video Suggestion - Some of us like the whine that comes from Amazon customer reviews.  Especially if they have photos backing up their complaints.

10. Yes.  “The Worst Haircuts Of All Time” is the video has Billionaire Sheldon Adelson.  Starting @ 5:35

11. No sequel for the haircut video Please because its as if your judging people on looks that wasn’t their mistake in the first place (which they trusted the wrong barber/hair dresser) or they can’t have the hair style due to their genetics.

12. Exception to getting another haircut video would be if the person themselves are unfortunate and they screw up their own hair. Such as color their hair/cut following a tutorial.

13. Did they add MTV which is suppose to be playing Music Videos and giving us GARBAGE reality programs? 😎

14. Someone should have Robert watch Pawn Stars for a couple shows.  It’s on the HISTORY channel because most of the items they bring in are a part of history in sense of Rare Artifacts and because once you accept the deal - your item you should have gotten more money for somewhere else is HISTORY.

15. Pawn Stars must be doing something right being on for 17 Seasons.  I know, right?  Since 2009.

16. In defense of USA - Looks Vs. Taste counts more than just appearances of the food.

17. Do they mean when their blanket from WISH arrived 4 months later?  LOL

18. 📍 Adorable Alert: @ 4:12

19. 📌 Suggestion:  Can Robert do a “What would you tell your younger self about your life” video?

20. Whoooooh!  Is he slamming Photo-shop people? (⓿_⓿) When your photos are messed up Photoshoppers are your only defense on getting it to come out nice.

21. Don’t turn this into a “Video Editors” Vs. “Photo Shoppers” Robert. 

22. Lucky for me - I can work for either team. LOL

23. The Applebee's meal - you have to decides - send it back and let people spit on it or just eat it and be grateful for any food as your stomach is growling for a meal.

24. Question:  Why two different plates?  Is it a deep dish where the noodles are underneath?

25. I have NEVER had a bad experience at a Applebee's.  Mostly because I went for the company and not just for the food.

26. I have NEVER eaten at a Denny’s. #Facts

27. Traditionally our Family buy the icing to do the same “Happy Birthday _______” but we always purchase the cake with some design on it.  Age 13 and over its the simple one or two items, such as a decorative balloon or flower on the made cake.  Under 13 - decorative cakes were made by store or homemade.

28. Wondering:  Was Robert making those faces to try to bring back the Derpy cat Meme?  LOL

Click 2 Enlarge

29. Did Baymax from Big Hero 6 purchase the Deadpool costume?

30. LOL - Robert trusts people post real reviews.  No photo evidence attached to the “positive ones” - I’m suspicious.

31. The Full Review was:  Hideous!  The legs are like 4 feet long making the bear look like a creepy gumby thing.  I got this for Valentine's Day and would have rather had a cheaper more proportional bear.....I mean this isn't even cute.

32. I Hope they didn’t tip the stylist at the salon.

33. Does Robert think bugs stop at his front door of his apartment/house? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

34. It doesn’t matter the amount - it’s all about the chocolate fix everyone needs.

35. Are we sure we want a RobertIDK Chia Pet?  You Betcha.  Samples Below:

Click to Enlarge

36. Why does one need steel toe boots?  To protect you from electrical hazards.

37. BS of the Week:  Robert can live without fast food. 🍟🍔🍗🥤

38. 📍 CHALLENGE:  Robert go an entire MONTH while filming blog style of him eating not one stop at a fast food place.


  1. I'm was laying in bed just waiting for this alert for a fresh page of funnies. AnnMarie you didn't disappoint again. LOVE.

  2. I just subscribed to your blog. These are kewl.

  3. Ogni volta che mi sento giù, vado qui e tu cambi la mia giornata. È come un magico desiderio che hai che rende tutto migliore. Grazie.


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