💔 No Valentine's Day Video from Robert? 😢


    Why do you think with all the videos Robert has been rolling out why didn't he put up a Valentine's Day video? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Even if everyone had dates/plans not to see it on the 14th - some of the Single people could have Loved to viewed it.  Even if was a "Mini-Monday" short where he just mentions how Valentine's Day is such an Awesome Day.  Or done some Valentine's Day quizzes?

    We can cross out that its because of his girlfriend (if they are still together) because he mentioned she lived in Canada (source: from video back in April 2020).  So unless she flew in, which would have prevented Robert from concentrating on making the current videos that he's recording and putting out nearly back to back, what could it be? (⓿_⓿)

    Or maybe it was a phone/skype "adult talk" night for him? 😎💻

   🤔 Maybe he isn't together with the girlfriend and he's frowned on Love at the moment despite the "Happiness" he seems to be having in the current videos? 

    Maybe he could have just asked Richárd to take over for this Holiday?

~Not a Sermon - just a Thought ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )


  1. I guess it will be a case of IDK (i don't know) hehe

  2. OMFG you read my mind. I had plans with my husband but would still have watched it when the alert went out.

  3. He tweeted something about 'not feeling it' to do something this year. :-(

  4. AnnMarie I like how you seem to keep Robert on his toes when it comes to his YouTube career. Everyone one of them should find a Devoted Fan to give this honest comments and call on their BS when they fail us. Keep up the Good Work.
    PS Love the entire Blog.

    1. Same. After he posts for the day I know later that night you'd have a blog page ready.


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