Notes: (Video from July 18, 2018) 

1.  Wondering which of them, Robert or Brandon, had the body issues that they couldn’t get naked under the covers together. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2.  Wondering:  Is it Robert or Brandon snores that Robert refuses the dare to “sleep” together.  There was no mention of having sex/making love in the comment.

3.  OMG!  It’s Grizzly Adams filling in for Robert. 🧔

4.  Disgusting, Weird & Sexual comments are the best comments. #Facts

5.  Weird makes YouTube go around.

6.  I was always told - if you don’t ask - you’re likely not going to get.  So asking for nudes doesn’t sound bad, unless they are going to use them for blackmail or going to post them on adult sites.

7.  Robert could have at least asked Brandon if he wanted to go with the kissing sexy dare.  Maybe he would be ok with it? ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )

8.  Maybe instead of sex with Brandon questions are being asked the wrong way.  Maybe they should ask “When will you release the video of Robert sleeping with Brandon?” LOL

9.  If Robert was going to say “I Love you to Brandon” with no issues - why didn’t he say it just then in the video as a message to Brandon who might be watching the video with the rest of us.

10.  Wait - a - Minute.  Wasn’t there a comment no one should goof on someone’s OTP (One True Pairing) #FanboysVideo and some think Brandon is Roberts. 

11.  📍 Suggestion:  Maybe Robert should let others know of more Friends than Brandon so they can increase their dares to other Friends.

12.  Robert should have suggested everyone with headphone to remove them before the scream. 😐

13.  What’s wrong with going to Prison? - there are many in there that might subscribe in there too if they had access to the internet.

14.  Question:  Why did Robert extend his hands that far apart to show size of his balls?  LOL

15.  Facts:  Robert can kill a Friend, yet not go to jail if he knew how to dispose of a body without getting caught. #justSaying

16. The “Have a Nice Day” comment had me stick a finger towards my throat as to mime a vomit response. (¬‿¬)

17.  It’s called being a TROLL comment Robert.

18.  She should have asked Robert to call Satan from his contacts list. 👉📲😈

19.  📍 #Idea - Robert accept an entire collection of Dares written in a foreign language before translating them.

20.  Note:  They never say Eat whose Poop. #gross either way.


  1. Im glad your going back to his early stuff too. Where do you find the time?


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