Notes: 1. Either recycling the Christmas lights or this was a earlier saved video. 2. Robert’s W (win) is: A. He gotten a new sponsorship B. He gotten new Merch C. He’s gotten himself a job as a gigolo? D. He gotten his revenue back from past videos. E. He gotten engaged to his girlfriend (who has money) F. He gotten his old house sold for full price. G. He gotten a second job - returning to be video editor. H. He gotten his Property Taxes finally paid fully. I. Other 3. This video is brought to you by the letter W. ( Sesame Street goof) 4. Robert being a Bad Italian: The noodle she shoved in her mouth is called Rotini . Ravoli are the pouch type pasta. 5. The finger rings tick are for the beginners - if Robert was a professional magician he’s perform the decapitated thumb trick. 6. ...