
Showing posts from January, 2021


Notes: 1.   Either recycling the Christmas lights or this was a earlier saved video. 2.   Robert’s W (win) is:   A.   He gotten a new sponsorship B.   He gotten new Merch C.   He’s gotten himself a job as a gigolo? D.   He gotten his revenue back from past videos. E.   He gotten engaged to his girlfriend (who has money) F.    He gotten his old house sold for full price. G.   He gotten a second job - returning to be video editor. H.   He gotten his Property Taxes finally paid fully. I.    Other   3.   This video is brought to you by the letter W. ( Sesame Street goof) 4.    Robert being a Bad Italian:  The noodle she shoved in her mouth is called Rotini .   Ravoli are the pouch type pasta. 5.   The finger rings tick are for the beginners - if Robert was a professional magician he’s perform the decapitated thumb trick. 6.  ...


Notes: 1.  Dumb isn’t the feeling I’m getting. 2.  Is one of the Records - how fast Robert can show he’s no longer “One of Us” by wearing a nearly 600 dollar robe? Click 2 Enlarge 3.  I prefer the old 2016 quote about a box of chocolate. (w/censor) 4.  Damn Linus - for the Love everything - get out of that abusive relationship with Robert. 5.  2021 helped the old man start on his taking down his tree.  That’s still a positive. 6.  “I actually did so much work on myself in 2020 - Oh my Gosh.” #ThinkDirty 7.  The Bee is creating the next level of a fidget spinner. 8.  Linus - that’s twice Robert is taking his rage out on you. 9.  LOL the Fish Cannon. 10.  Trump says “Yeah” 11.  Hey “Blue Eyes” 12.  Chimp is one step closer to jump on Robert to get revenge for his WWE slam from a previous video. 13.  Good Parents who didn’t notice their kid didn’t come home for dinner. 14.  Could the fact that Cats are predators of ...


Notes: 1.  What the fresh Heck is Robert wearing? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2.  Robert just came from:             A. His 2nd job holding the construction Slow/Stop sign?             B. Dancing in the Go-Go cage at the Dance Club?             C.  From the gun range and forgot to return the glasses?   3.    Question :  Can anyone really calculate “How long Robert has been a YouTuber?” when he come and goes on breaks from time to time?  4.   I tried the Akinator trying to see if I could get Robert.  Highlights: 5.   Robert dyed his hair from Brown to Black?  No he darkened it - he didn’t get the full effect of changing it to a interesting color. #sad 6.   Nice little tune. 7.    They gotten his image at the end, but its from " Owen's Departure " January 7, 2016 video. 8.   Wardrobe Change. 9.  ...


Notes: 1.  Would the first instant regret buying the Watermelon shirt?  LOL (no Robert wore it so many times it’s starting to look kewl) 2.  We never regret clicking on a RobertIDK video, but only regret that they aren’t posted on a regular schedule. 3.  Yeah!  Robert is using the Community Name. 💗 4.  Maybe she should have gone on vacation with a Friend/Lover to take control of the tripod. 5.  I believe the lights have given up since it’s no longer the Holiday Season.  He should return to the white ones.  Or sexy pink for Valentine’s Day coming up. #idea 6. 📍  Question :  Why is Richárd - "How To Date" or in the video “How 2 Date” playing behind this clip? 7.  Wondering:  Did Robert play games with his Parents because:              1.  The cable was out on their TV’s 2.   They are anti-TV people 3.   Just game Nerds and Rummikub was next on the shelf....


Notes: This is only Part 1 of the Review, right? ¯\_( ツ )_/¯ There was so much more that needed to be added into this video ~ including a possible personal message (not in text) somewhere in the video. #idea Shouldn’t one of the text even read “Here are OUR Favorite Moments from 2020” and not the word MY ?   That is why Robert asked for our opinions because it was suppose to be a group project, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ There was no mention of any information from the “I’m Back” video that started 2020 off with Robert returning on a clearer path for his YouTube career. The mention of the new changes in his life, such as the tattoos and his positive ahead plans. T he details about his Music future and his album release. Did we get Rocco & Nobu in 2020?  Around April?  No mention how they impacted his life that also mentions his videos? Wasn’t 2020 the obsession about reaction videos ? No jokes about the Butt Mirror introduction?   The intro of Mini-Mondays ? (and sch...


I sometimes go back to comment on ones not landed on the blog.  This is from June 3, 2016 Notes: 1. Is this the brother who used to work at Wendy’s? Oh no that was Robert’s older Brother. (as of the time I’m writing this - he has no baby brother). 2. Wondering: How long it takes for Robert’s beard to grow back after he shaved it off? 3. If they ever need Robert to do a “21 Jump Street” undercover role - he can pull it off. 4. Wondering: Do you think Robert actually talk to others in the hallways that kewl? LOL 5. Not many “High School” kids call up their Mom’s to rat out classmates about name calling. 6. Note: Robert doesn’t change voice tone for his Mother’s response of the imaginary phone call. 7. Whooo! He dyed his hair? What colors are we talking about? 8. Fix: All Robert has to do is present his fake ID’s and his real ID to get booze. 9. Show of hands: Do you think Robert even owned a Fake ID? LOL 10. Did Robert just say “Adorable” and “Innocent”? So now w...

🔋🔌 when power goes out

  ———————- Response on FB “My Story” & Twitters “Fleet”, but don’t worry with his power out - there is a slim chance of Robert seeing them. 🤪

🧐 Robert - A Karen in the Making?

  Question: Is Robert slowly turning into a "I want to talk to your Manager" Karen? 🤣 Click 2 Enlarge


Notes: 1.  Again, why call out “Friends” when Robert can call out “Boop Troop”? 2.  Robert (and others) shouldn’t “hate” anything. 3.  If Robert gets a parrot it can drive Robert nuts by asking, “Doing a video today?” when he doesn’t feel in the mood to do one.  The parrot will be on repeat until he does. 4.  Note:  The shirt Robert is wearing is from 2019 time of a fan doing the elbow drop onto a cactus based on the WWE Mick Foley. 5.  Maybe that’s a “Special Parrot” who can speak foreign species languages. 6.  Is that why they call it a “birds nest” or “rats nest”? 7.  Maybe if Robert shout out’s Nobu’s name over Rocco all the time - they learn they are loved equally. #JustSaying 8.  The laughing parrot has nothing to do with what might be in the bottle labeled “ Amsterdam ”, right? 9.  Question:  How lonely is Robert that he needs creatures to talk to him? 10.  The swinging parrots are for when the grand-kids aren’t vis...


Notes: 1.  Wondering when he says “you know what it is” does he mean the liquid in the glass? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2.   I believe its called a Trapper Hat . (hat with flaps) 3.   Maybe Robert can ask for that hat for next Christmas? 4.   Or if Robert ever release a P.O. Box - it no doubt several would purchase one (and other items) to send to him. 5.   Hello Barrington!  Or Bearrington! 6.   Likely if Robert placed up a green screen of a Winter scene on it and lose the Chimp from the shot - it would be slightly more Canadian photograph. 7.   Compare Canada to United States.  Who needs the extra Love & Support? 8.   I bet at first he thought - my wife is saying something to me - I better find out what she wants now and rushed out. 9.   At least he didn’t wear undies with animal faces on the front. 10.   Note:  Someone fixed Big Chungus flag upright for this video.👍  11.  ...

😂 Homemade Chest Funny

  It seems Madame Tussauds in Canada forgot something when trying to re-create RobertIDK wax figure before revealing the head. Click 2 Enlarge PS:  There isn't yet a wax figure of Robert, however it might be a nice 2021 Project for The Boop Troop???

💻 YOUTUBE Video Reviews

Here are two samples of the "Please Review" requests from YouTube. Note they so far asked me on RobertIDK's  Music side over his Comedy side even though I watch both over and over.  CLICK 2 ENLARGE IMAGES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Notes: 1.   Gone down the YouTube Rabbit hole - we’ve all been there, right people? 2.   Hello “ The Magic School Bus ” 3.   How many realize Little Richard was involved in the theme song? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 4.   The dishes with art would be nice if you’re having a dinner party, but cleaning them if you let them sit out for a while, going to be a chore by hand. 5.   I still own the battery checker with the wire attached. 6.   Basically that faucet is like a bidet for your hands. 7.   If you have kids they are going to just play with the faucet instead of concentrating on it to use it for practical use. 8.   Question:  What happened to Linus to get replaced by Big Chungus ? 9.   Wondering:  Will we be being transferred to other rooms in the apartment/house then The Boop Troop have to piece them all together to get the full tour? 10.   So verified - Robert had the chance to make a mini-...

🙊🔊 January 2021 Quotes from Videos

  I just going to update this page as I remember or find some funny Quotes/Sayings for Robert to maybe Help him find these items to use in his future "Year in Review" video at the end of the year. Engagement Advice Not Hard Small Things Take Care of Yourself  (Think Dirty) 👍


Notes: 1.   Question:  For those who ever done drugs - should I have dropped some MDMA (ecstasy) before watching this video? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2.   Robert apologizes to the Kangaroo and yet comes back to do more violence on him.  Does he have a hatred for cardboard cutout animals? 3.   Suggestion:  When it comes to Paying Taxes - maybe a BLOCKED card in UNO would be better? 4.   Robert is to young to be sharing Dad Jokes. 5.   Wondering:  Is the hehehehe laugh his natural laugh when he’s embarrassed of something that is slightly non- funny on screen? 6.    We don’t know:  It could have been a one-night stand at a furry convention and he’s embarrassed she tracked him down.  LOL 7.   @ 5:53 - Robert makes a face like Caleb ( Oompaville ). 8.   The kid in class is going to post that up on DeviantArt after class. 9.  Caption the movie clip.  When Lisa’s Friends didn’t show up ...


Notes: 1. Did we really need the big red arrow when Robert is the only one in the room?  Or is he? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2. Wondering:  Did Robert’s mom also give him this shirt for Christmas? 🤶🎁 3.  I like it how Robert lies and then quickly catches himself in the lie and tells the Truth.  4.  Proud:  Robert is adding the Fandom name in his videos more. 👍 5.  Wondering if that was one of Whitney’s bodyguards secretly reaching around and taking the drink so she can grab more food or hide the two fists food grab. 6.  FACT:  Polish guitarist Janusz Poplawski didn't suffer from polydactyly. 7.  Robert couldn’t notice the missing wing even with the big red circle?  Seems someone needs to work harder on his Sudoku to work his brain or get out the “ Highlights for Children ” and do the puzzle in there to get a refresher course on finding items. 8. 📍 Suggestion for future video.  Have the Boop Troop send in homemade photo fails and see if R...