I sometimes go back to comment on ones not landed on the blog.  This is from June 3, 2016

Notes: 1. Is this the brother who used to work at Wendy’s? Oh no that was Robert’s older Brother. (as of the time I’m writing this - he has no baby brother). 2. Wondering: How long it takes for Robert’s beard to grow back after he shaved it off? 3. If they ever need Robert to do a “21 Jump Street” undercover role - he can pull it off. 4. Wondering: Do you think Robert actually talk to others in the hallways that kewl? LOL 5. Not many “High School” kids call up their Mom’s to rat out classmates about name calling. 6. Note: Robert doesn’t change voice tone for his Mother’s response of the imaginary phone call. 7. Whooo! He dyed his hair? What colors are we talking about? 8. Fix: All Robert has to do is present his fake ID’s and his real ID to get booze. 9. Show of hands: Do you think Robert even owned a Fake ID? LOL 10. Did Robert just say “Adorable” and “Innocent”? So now with the beard he can be “Sexy” and “Sinful” 11. Definition: Boomshakalaka is an interjection that expresses dominance, triumph, or joy. 12. Note: We are missing the “Home Alone” cologne scene with scream in this video. 13. If asking after putting on the hat - 14 or 15 years old. 14. No. Not kewl rocker dude. Stay with the skater boy. 15. No one suspects that guy working in the backyard (who apparently is looking inside) could be suspicious of casing the place? 16. Now we meet Rambling Robert. 17. If you have 5 appendages - it might matter. Especially that 2nd suggested one at bedtime. 18. At @7:41 - "It doesn’t matter" - "I don’t care." Are those twitches? 19. Liked the preview then, but not just like the “goodbye” and out message. 20. @8:43 video ends, but get darkness until 9:06? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Apparently I also posted 4 months ago, but I didn't see the thumbs up clueing that I did post already. Here are the ones I posted the first time around:

Notes: 1. Now someone going to have to get carded again when they purchase booze. 2. Some Grandma’s are going to pinch his cheeks. 3. Robert: “Your not taking me to the Drunk Tank Officer? Do kids not go to juvenile detention?” 4. Question: Why would my Mom and Dad want a young boy? LOL 5. At this look you can slip right into SMOSH. 6. “Sorry sir the you won’t be getting the role of The lumberjack from Brawny’s paper towels commercial with that face.” 7. Age Guess: 15 8. What?: The 5 dicks might be an issue if the woman your with has no clue what is happening under the covers. 9. “Enjoy yourself” “Like yourself” “Love yourself” (remove one of the three end comments - think Dirty - then LOL 😛


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