
1. Did we really need the big red arrow when Robert is the only one in the room?  Or is he? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2. Wondering:  Did Robert’s mom also give him this shirt for Christmas? 🤶🎁

3.  I like it how Robert lies and then quickly catches himself in the lie and tells the Truth. 

4.  Proud:  Robert is adding the Fandom name in his videos more. 👍

5.  Wondering if that was one of Whitney’s bodyguards secretly reaching around and taking the drink so she can grab more food or hide the two fists food grab.

6.  FACT:  Polish guitarist Janusz Poplawski didn't suffer from polydactyly.

7.  Robert couldn’t notice the missing wing even with the big red circle?  Seems someone needs to work harder on his Sudoku to work his brain or get out the “Highlights for Children” and do the puzzle in there to get a refresher course on finding items.

8. 📍 Suggestion for future video.  Have the Boop Troop send in homemade photo fails and see if Robert can find the error in the photo. (or video)

9. Wondering:  was this one of the shots left on the cutting floor for the “In the Arms of An Angel” ASPCA announcement commercial.

10. Dear Robert - Some do hang that low when big, however because in the photo they seem to begin there - you’re right - it’s an error. ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )

11. Knowledge from adult magazines are different from knowledge from personal levels Robert? LOL

12. Robert shouldn’t be disappointed by the graphic designer of the LOST DVD.  He should be disappointed of the show itself.

13. SMH - its for the upper crust purse.  It’s called the cloak/camouflage purse.  It’s invisible to others who want to steal her purse. 👜

14.  If I was a bitter Italian I’d say Robert is making that hand move that’s more sexual motion than using it as a speaking technique. #ThinkDirty

15. I’m sure every Italian and of Italian descent cringed a little. 👍

16. 📌Question 🙋‍♀️ so Robert’s last name isn’t of Italian descent? 

17. NO!  Leave the Bell for Jacksepticeye.  Find a better item (if your going that way) to sound an alarm for the Fandom.  Bring back out your harmonica?

18. Boobs turn off Men’s Brains.  #Merch?

19. In regulars to Robert's Story Time.  I found this --> 

                                                                         Click 2 Enlarge

20.  Maybe the model had a Megan Fox thumb?

21.  Kris & Gordon both look like they are in some wax museum.

22.  Fact: Kris Jenner Born: November 5, 1955 (age 65) - not 50.

23.  Photoshop Fails 4, but without the bell or the too many hand fails.


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