
1.  Either recycling the Christmas lights or this was a earlier saved video.

2.  Robert’s W (win) is: 

A.  He gotten a new sponsorship

B.  He gotten new Merch

C.  He’s gotten himself a job as a gigolo?

D.  He gotten his revenue back from past videos.

E.  He gotten engaged to his girlfriend (who has money)

F.   He gotten his old house sold for full price.

G.  He gotten a second job - returning to be video editor.

H.  He gotten his Property Taxes finally paid fully.

I.   Other


3.  This video is brought to you by the letter W. (Sesame Street goof)

4.  Robert being a Bad Italian:  The noodle she shoved in her mouth is called Rotini.  Ravoli are the pouch type pasta.

5.  The finger rings tick are for the beginners - if Robert was a professional magician he’s perform the decapitated thumb trick.

6.  Wondering:  A mother of two having a vomit reaction to poop?  Really?  Naaaaa.

7.  That’s the scene I want to know how the Dad holding the slushies not wonder he’s being filmed.

8.  📍 Future RobertIDK kids - you are getting allowances.

9.  Robert’s kidding right?  With his weight and the weight of the typical child these days - I’d say Even Steven on that teeter-tooter/seesaw.

10.  The guy got less wet than Robert, but how wet did the viewers got while watching RobertIDK?  That is the question. 🕴💦

11.  Pretty daring for Lucas to be pulling a scare prank on someone who is in hand reach of a knife on a cutting board.  #StabbyStabby

12.  Personal Opinion:  The Tie Dye Hoodie by Caleb (Oompaville) looks so Sexy on Robert.

13.  Mr. Kangroo has a name.  It’s Linus.

14.  Is @9:59 a new image for merch? #idea

15.  “Not do that to you” - the hand slap gesture or a spanking for the kids with the sassy mouth?

16.  As long as no one comes to visit or bugs appear technically no one has to clean, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

17.  Funeral?  LOL - that was the first example? LMAO

18.  Church Comment:  Technically everyone is living if you believe that life continues after the body dies.

19.  Fact or Fiction?  - Why would a Police Officer follow him to the house over the excuse “I’m rushing home cause my Father fell and hurt his hip?” - wouldn’t he likely just call for an ambulance to appear if he didn’t believe the kid?

20.  Why is everyone an “actor”?  Why can’t women keep the title “actress”? 🎬


  1. I was just about to saw the same thing about that hoodie. HOTT!

    I think he gotten another sponsorship but I LOVE the rest of the options. hehe

  2. My sister wants to know if you know if he still had a girlfriend #2E. Also I like your thinking on breaking down this video. This blog is fun to read. *thumbs up

    1. Blog Owner Response:

      Well, if we remember Robert mentioned he had a Girlfriend back in Canada during April 1st video (watching Paint Dry) and later he mentioned most of his relationship last no later than 6 months, which would have them broken up by October. And we heard during his visit during Christmas 2020 he was stuck home playing a card game with his Parents - no mention of a Girlfriend joining in that fun.

      However, in the long run - no one knows what the Truth about Robert's Love life. Most YouTubers (and people in general) like to protect their privacy in these matters. It Protects their Love ones from potential fans who will go on to attack the innocent.

      It's Best to assume he always has a Girlfriend and just be Happy that he's found something that most have wished to find the rare thing called True Love.


    2. That was a real Nice response. <3


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