Notes: 1. Look its Naruto Uzumaki Canadian Cousin (LOL) 2. Sad that I knew where that cartoon symbol came from. 3. Since the headband doesn’t hug Robert’s round forehead - confirmed he is not a Robot. 👍 4. The sign was bought from Target - did you expect good quality items at a good price there? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 5. Could it be a Multilingual Family and the sign is set up for all to share? 6. LOL - a psychologist so nervous that he/she bites their nails. ( Nail biting is associated with anxiety, because the act of chewing on nails reportedly relieves stress, tension, or boredom. ) So guess which one they are experiencing at the conference. 7. President’s spokesman don’t have to “speak” for the President if he uses sign language instead. 8. Everyone at 2:22 get your 3-D glasses out. 👓 9. The Pub artist should just cut and paste the photo. They do know how to trace a pattern, right? 10. If you’re a true Welsh - you are embedded the Dragon to make sure you can re