Who is RobertIDK? This Crazy Canadian is multi-talented with Acting, Comedy, Musician and a Professional Video Editor.
Here are some of my "Notes" which sometimes include some LOL's, ideas or just FACTS.
Fun with Quotes 💍 Edition
One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
~ Lord of the Rings quote
I always Believed it's Bad Karma if you Wish negative feelings on another's Love Life. Love is so rare to find in another - it's almost a crime not to feel Happiness. But there video began and kicked off a lot of "Bad Feelings" and crushed a lot of fantasies because of the way his "Good News" was shared. It was a late night conversation in several chat rooms and here are a few of ONLY MINE comments. In no particular order. (click 2 enlarge) Also can someone tell me if her name is Jessie Paege because no where in the video did Robert even introduce her by name. LOL
I would like to Thank you for all in the Support towards this Blog. 💗 I created it because when I posted too many funnies under comments in RobertIDK videos many for some reason not all could view. I enjoyed the Access and Freedom to create and cover several RobertIDK videos and sharing my Wacky Humor. Now that Robert has reached his One Million Subscribers and he’s hasn’t disappeared from YouTube for a "break" and even shown his survival skills even after a major blow to his Heart - I’m sure he won’t need (or notice) this blog has ended. 😋 The Blog will continue to be here for for newbies to appreciate and as long as the videos aren’t deleted or privatized on Robert’s YouTube channel they will be here. Thanks again fellow Boop Troopers for your Kindness and Responses. May you continue to be Blessed in 2022.
Notes: 1. Seems someone is having a really really bad hair day where we have to use not only a hat, but an additional hoodie. 2. To view some more of Robert’s “fear” check out Brandon’s ( MessYourself ) video titled: “ RINGING CURSED PHONE NUMBERS AT 3AM (THEY CALLED BACK) ” ---> https://youtu.be/kaq5BZ0xxLw 3. Scared, yet Robert’s Pinned tweet --> https://twitter.com/RobertIDK/status/1260344772834684928?s=20 - involves Slenderman and Jigsaw where when he goes to his main page its there to freak him (and others) each time. LOL 4. “Grab a snack” - no banana available? 🍌 5. LOL - Robert climbed up on his chair like something was going to reach down and grab his legs while watching the video. (like previous teacher video prank) 6. Someone place this on Robert’s “Reminder” Calendar that ‘ Shark Week is August 9-16, 2021 ' so he doesn’t miss out. 7. If Robert is reading this: Can you n...
This is Stunning & Daunting