Grading Dumb Kids Homework Until I Go COMPLETELY INSANE


1.  Why does this remind me “Follow or Like for Part 2” on TikToK to see this video?

2.  Pink, Lavender or Salmon - no matter what you call the shirt -- it looks GOOD on Robert.  Also the matching tie combo and glasses makes me Smile consciously. (❁´◡`❁)

3.  Damn Rings.  Ugh. 👎

4.  When it comes to the egg with the pacifier - unless it’s drawn on - wouldn’t you they have to poke a hole to insert it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

5.  Dance back in the day it was more of hands on hips and girls had their on the boys shoulders and shifted side to side.  There was no “to close” back then. Heck it was more barely move if you could even get a guy away from the other boys.

6.  Grinding was for High School. 💃🕺

7.  It’s called “Jumping Jacks”

8.  LOL - Robert got distracted by Shrek.

9.  Comming Vs. Coming (Spell Check)

10.  “Dancing to close to Enrique Iglesias” (the song or the man?)

11. “Leave space for Jesus” 

12. SMH - India scandal

13. Question:  If Robert has to Google for answers at this grade level - something tells me he might have to pre-watch the High School grade questions.

14.  Wondering:  Did Ross have a thick country accent? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

15.  A little concern about Robert.  Not sure its because of his dance moves or his weight loss. (or that just an old shirt?)

16.  “At the bottom” joke isn’t so funny the second time around for Robert apparently.  First time?  “Grading Dumb Kids Homework” video @ 8:40

17.  Did not do Volcano, but did go to Science Fair’s for fun and watched people create the eruptions.

18.  Looks like someone got a haircut. (back of head view)

19.  📍 Robert’s second trigger is people who dis Canada.  First trigger - Pineapple on Pizza.

20.  #Idea - Maybe do a Charity Stream for a Teachers?  Or to purchase supplies for schools?


  1. That Teachers charity is a good start on the charity route. My Sis is a 4th grade teacher & she tells me every time she can how most co-workers are always bitching at the Public schools.

  2. Забавно, что вы перечисляете триггеры.


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