
Showing posts from May, 2021


Notes: 1.  Now we know why Robert is slipping on shades - to avoid looking directly at the loud shirt. 😎 2.  When did Robert start promoting Sweet Potato Doritos Chips ?  LOL 3.  Wondering:  Was Robert’s Hawaiian shirt in the wash? 🤔 4.  “ Welcome to the Rave Robert. ” 5.  “ The 90’s called….yea they want the shirt back .” 6.  Interesting:   People Being Dumb (and Stupid) is a successful series, yet Robert removed several from September and October of 2020 to avoid a strike.  However, editing and re-uploading is a possibility.  I’m sure Cameron could help if he really wanted it up. 7.  Wondering:  When will Robert get a Boop Troop Club so we can get a Robert Newsletter and ID Card verifying were in the Fandom? #idea 8.  New PSA: A.   Drink Water B.   Eat Healthy C.   Use sunscreen   9.   “You only got one skin.” Thanks Captain Obvious . 10.  Technically - if you g...


Notes: 1.  Opening tunes (which I guess isn’t risked to be caught as copyright) is Thundercat singing “ Dragonball Durag ” 2.  Wish:  Robert would narrow that Twitter has been horrible for him and not everyone. 3.  Wait-A-Minute:  Robert should blame the ones who didn’t submit a funny video to make it worth wild. 4.  I submitted a video, but wasn’t used, but was Funny. 5.  Canadians are too nice?  Chimp might disagree with that.  6.  I’ve seen the ball staple table video before and still funny. 7.  Then they sell that game at a Yard Sale and you’ll be part of another Family via ashes. 8.  Best of the Best - the car extended warranty hammock kid.  5 Stars. 9.  If he was a True Bad Boy - he’d soak both socks. LOL 10.  Will we need a theme song if we do TikTok reactions? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Notes: 1.  Future is the voice to the phrase " If young Metro don't trust you, I'm gon' shoot you . " 2.  Trying to figure out if you took your medication: A.   Place it in a daily carry case with days of the week written on the top. B.   Count the remaining pills and subtract from original amount. C.   Remember   3.  Truth:  If they did create this timer on a pill bottle it will Help so many - so I Hope it becomes popular as recommendations in doctor offices. 👍 4.  It looks like the technically the same mechanics as the headless dog robot. 5.  There is no clues to Help a woman find happiness? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 6.  Washes his dishes immediately?  Really?  Maybe rinse them off, but I’m the one who likes to get a batch to do them all at once. 7.  Are we getting so lazy that we have to use utensils in the shape of the amount?  Besides baking isn’t about true measurements - its the Love not exact ingredients...


Notes: 1.  LOL - @ 44 seconds in I legit thought Robert inserted himself in the clip. 2.  When I was in the Girl Scouts I was told the reason I was choking on the smoke that came into my space was because “ Smoke follows Beauty ”.  I now suspect it was because I was down wind of the breeze of the night. LOL 3.  OMG!  Did Robert just say chair?  You brought a chair to the “Campfire Experience”?  You’re suppose to be sitting on a log or a blanket on the ground.  Not something comfortable.  Chairs are for outdoor concerts and kitchen tables. 4.  Disco Stick:  Come on Robert you can say it or slang it with some culture of “a part of a man’s junk”. 5.  Wondering:  Did someone blush during Health/Sex Ed glass? 6.  What?  Why didn’t Robert just link the prior video with the junk stabbing one? 7.  Applause to Cameron on his dramatic “ I was so shook by the video ” performance. \(〇_o)/ 8.  The answer is No . ...


Notes: 1.  I think that’s why Pirates went to stealing gold instead of doing YouTube because of the eye patch. LOL 2.  I know its the Versace belt and not a tie, but still looks good as a tie. 3.  Mr. Bear has a name.  It’s Bearrington . 🐻 4.  Wondering:   Who leaves their garage doors down just a crack? 5.  It’s stressful for the vet too. 6.  If the Husky’s owner didn’t prepare the dog for the shot - that’s on the owner. 7.  Question:  Am I bad for wishing she was in there until a Parent rescued her from the table? 8.  What Robert might now understand:  That’s Karaoke.  He should know that - he’s been on stage before. 9.  Sadly, Robert will have to wait until he’s the Father to mess with his kids to know that feeling. 🤣 10.  Lucky:   Robert waited until he was an adult to stop caring for his Birthday.  I stopped caring when no one showed up to my Parties as a kid. #Sad  11.  Truth:  ...


Notes: 1.  That’s right - he said it - he’s currently Single .  2.  Wondering:  What is Robert’s baseline for “Crazy”? \(〇_o)/ 3. 📍  Suggestion:  Place ALL ‘Theme Songs’ in one video (for convenience if Robert/Boop Troop needs to see them) and Robert can react on his efforts towards each set. 4.  You know Kermit is going to mess Robert up when they are off camera for not letting him stay.  LOL 5.  I choose ‘A’ and now I feel like a Winner!  Thanks! 🌷 6.  If this guy was honest and didn’t put that name in - he will have to have a discussion with his kids when court is over. LOL 7.  Also isn’t that (or maybe should be) the name of an adult device? 8.  Sounds like Robert’s Mom gives out Good advice because she only wants the best for her Boi. 9.  If Robert already knew how babies are born - he should have came to school with a ‘get out of class’ note signed by his Parent(s). LOL 10.  The kid wrecking the p...


Notes: 1.  Harry might have tape on his face, but he still has fashion sense with the Versace belt around like a scarf. 2.  Facts:  Glad this became a series. 3.  You know things are serious when there is a theme song. 4.  Personal Comment:  I enjoy that Robert has brought Nobu out in photos, yet the first he grabs for video is Rocco. 5. 📍  Suggestion:  When it comes to merch and get a regular stripped shirt - instead of an alligator in the corner - maybe Robert’s “sons” could be the logo. 6.  According to some men the Titanic isn’t “ the biggest thing ever .” #thinkDirty 7.  “ It’s not hard, but its just hard enough ” 8.  I have learned so much about Canada through Robert’s sharing. #Facts 9.  He doesn’t have to repeat the fact that “All Cats ARE Perfect”.  Robert is right about that.  LOL 10.  The one guy can buy beer for his Friends with the right fake I.D. 11.  I would be freaking out every...


Notes: 1.  If your wondering:  Robert is singing Bruno Mars, Anderson Paak, Silk Sonic's new single " Leave the Door Open " 2.  LOL and then goes into Justin Bieber song?  OMG!  I have to see Robert’s current music line - up. 3.  What are the odds Robert introduced himself to the new upstairs neighbors? 🤔 4.  Better Question:  What are the odds Robert offered them Help to bring in their stuff? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 5.  Even Better Question:  Do you think Robert brought them a “ Welcome to the Complex Welcome Basket ” of goodies?  (or am I the last person who does the “Welcome Wagon Basket” to new neighbors anymore?) 6.  LOL :  I wonder if they ever wonder if that’s Robert screams for a video or his girlfriend is visiting. 7.  Porch Pirates need to go right to the source and just steal UPS trucks (LOL).  Don’t forget to disable the tracking devices first. 8.  If anyone cares:  The attack ball is Nezuko Kamado ...


Notes: 1.  GeoGuessr is how it’s written. 2.  Why does the toy make Robert sound like an old British woman when played? 3.  OMG!  Shaking my head Hoping Robert isn’t wearing the “free sample shirt” of Ethereum because he’s signed up for an account. 🙍‍♀️ 4.  Sad:  I thought Robert wasn’t giving out financial advice - even subliminally to the B oop Troop . 5.  LOL:  Robert has photo with KSI & Jack (both while wearing his famous school backpack) yet no photo of Cody Ko and himself. 6.  Robert is offering to take us on a trip and not once asked if we can find our (or have a) passport. 7.  Wow!  Robert went from excited to explosive within seconds during the dance break. 8.  WOW!  It’s called prep-work for a reason.  The account would have already been set up and paid for and have more time getting lost. 9.  I think its Justice because Robert wanted to get lost in Canada and not play on a States Map. 10....


Notes: 1.  For the Newbies to the Boop Troop :  Robert isn’t a fan of Pineapple on Pizza.  See Reference video “ Pineapple on Pizza Diss Track (Official Music Video) "  (opens in another tab) 2.  Blursed catagory is one we’ve never looked at before. #Facts 3.  I must be twisted on some level because I liked the Pinocchio clip. 4.  The Blursed chin reminds me of the ‘no beard app’ people are doing now. 5.  Looks like Robert is taking the ‘L’ (from last video comment) 6.  Head collection CLICK 2 ENLARGE


Notes: 1.  Ah Robert missed the opportunity to use the 3-D filter for yesterday’s video instead. 2.  It can be a Beach hat or a Gardening hat, but it reminds me of a Going on a Picnic attire if Robert was a young Amish boy. 3. 📍  I expected Robert to take one Sunny day and film outside on the grass (sitting on a blanket) and just chillin in the video.  Maybe telling more ‘when I was kid’ stories. #idea 4.  Nice:  Showing a sign of respect by calling him “Mr. Cena”. 5.  Robert took his Marge shirt back from Cena and dressed him into his Versace -- I ♡ BAROQUE EMBROIDERED MEDUSA BATHROBE - that costs $995.00 6.  I call those people Second Place Suckers who brag before crossing the line after bragging early. 7.   Facts:   Unless there is a watermark I’m assuming these kid shots are Robert. LOL 8.  Wonder what young Robert’s gangster name. 9.  Went to two different sites and got these for him. 10.  Even though I’m nev...


Notes: 1.   May the 4 th  be with you Meme 2 days late. 2.  Reality:   Glasses help you see better - not make you Smarter. 3.  Ugh:  Robert once lived in the UK (even if he didn’t drive) he should known the first riddle answer. 4.  Not only there is no shadows for the camels - there are two camels just wondering around the desert. 5.  Why punish Cena for a correct answer? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 6.  I’m on Robert’s side on the Milk riddle. 🥛 To misleading. 7.  OMG!  Every Mystery Drama has used this ice plan.  8.  Maybe if Robert kept his glasses on he’d know the simple answers to these riddles. LOL 9.  Why isn’t the bartender calling for Help?  If not for the dead brother - how about the one twin he likes is still poisoned. 10.  Not a fan of the sniper hide and go seek photos. 👎 11.  Four Doors:  Fire is not an animal - so that’s easy to avoid as the answer.  Dragons are magical - can’t be killed b...


Notes: 1.  He can spin, but a backflip for real in the studio? - not so much 🤔 2.  Harry & John got knocked down and got back up again.  #song ( Chumbawamba ) 3.   Question:   Is Robert’s “coach” - a nickname for his therapist? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 4.  You can’t go wrong with Kermit as a side kick. 🐸 5.  “Hugs not Drugs” 2021 6.  “Get a room guys” LOL 7.  Theory:  Maybe people are scared of Dinosaurs because likely some jerk will find a way to bring one back to life as per The Lost World movie. 8.  Can anyone else feel the Energy in the air on how close we are getting Robert to a Million Subscribers? 👩👍 9.  Robert raising to a higher standard?  Does this mean no more poo and fart jokes? 😲 Noooooo. 10.  Best Guard Bird Ever!  11.  Sad day to see Patrick telling Dad Jokes so young. 12.  Yes. Kudos to Cameron. 😎 13.  My cat only needs me to whistle for her to come home and again let her know its time...


Notes: 1.  Wondering:  Why is Robert still wearing his mask?  And also making it through-out the video like he’s Amish if you didn’t know it was a mask hanging from his ears. 2.  Did everyone really think Robert’s Uber driver mistake him for Justin Bieber?  Would you have if you saw this?   Details on Robert’s twitter (opens in new tab) ---> Story Details 3.  Suggestion: If we can get all Grandpa’s a YouTube channels to verify he’s still alive for another day - that’s a Win.  Like a Nanny Cam for Families. 4.  Did Robert not break the fork so he didn’t upstage the TX Cowboy ? 5.  Thought:  I thought there was an unwritten rule not to give out YouTube secrets such as to clue in the fact the fork was already bent.  It follows the magician rule to never reveal secrets. 6.  Maybe the kid didn’t have Faith in himself he can bend the fork on camera? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 7.   LOL:  Sounds like a lot of excuses from R...