
1. Ah Robert missed the opportunity to use the 3-D filter for yesterday’s video instead.

2. It can be a Beach hat or a Gardening hat, but it reminds me of a Going on a Picnic attire if Robert was a young Amish boy.

3. 📍 I expected Robert to take one Sunny day and film outside on the grass (sitting on a blanket) and just chillin in the video.  Maybe telling more ‘when I was kid’ stories. #idea

4. Nice:  Showing a sign of respect by calling him “Mr. Cena”.

5. Robert took his Marge shirt back from Cena and dressed him into his Versace -- I ♡ BAROQUE EMBROIDERED MEDUSA BATHROBE - that costs $995.00

6. I call those people Second Place Suckers who brag before crossing the line after bragging early.

7. Facts:  Unless there is a watermark I’m assuming these kid shots are Robert. LOL

8. Wonder what young Robert’s gangster name.

9. Went to two different sites and got these for him.

10. Even though I’m never 100% Positive state of mind all the time - I do feel a shift into Better Times are here. 🙋‍♀️

11. Ugh.  I am Happy that others are making cash, but bragging about it is cringe to me. \(〇_o)/

12. LOL:  Now everyone track down Robert in the game and just kill him off (by mistake of course) LOL

13. The lesson should be ‘don’t waste time running just for a medal saying you ran the race’. 🥈

14. This is where Robert teases us that there might be extra after the outro -- SPOILER - there wasn’t anything. _

15. Idea:  Forget the Amazon gift card idea - try giving up Merch or a Private Cameo message instead. #idea

16. Rumor has it Robert also “hates” the word “Daddy” when in a relationship.

17. Note:  Robert didn’t mention if its a current Ex-Girlfriend or a Past Girlfriend.  Remember back in April we learned he has a girlfriend in Canada from April Fools video.

18. Sad:  Now we will never know if he’s now (by May 2021) Single or not. (⓿_⓿)

19. Life itself is a Race Robert.  Advice works that too. “It’s not over - until its over”.

20. Advice to Men:  Celebrating in Bed before things are over - is also bad.  LMAO #thinkDirty


  1. I like Phatty McGrillz

    How did you find these videos so fast?

    #20 = ROTFLMAO!


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