
1. We’re not just regular “People” - we’re Family remember Robert? 

2. When you find out where the Love is in the World please pass me the address.

3. I think if anyone just does a poop or fart joke will make Robert laugh without a doubt.

4. We’ve switched from Rocking Horse Ryan to Jumping Jeremy with our neighbor upstairs.

5. Who knew Siri was such a savage. 🤣

6. Also was I the only one who actually laughed (besides Robert) at the joke?

7. Nice basketball shot - now he has to go get the janitor so he can get the ladder and bring it back down.

8. To be fair - it’s not only bouncing ball fun, but exercise.

9. Facts:  Real Raccoon

10. I was surprised Robert left that Hunter Vs. Prey first clip in, but funny as Heck.

11. Jared Leto has Prey eyes because many of his fans in the Echelon want to chase him to be with him?

12. It’s nice to see Robert is a man who accepts him limitation on understanding easy explained concepts.

13. I felt so bad for Cameron I had to send him this message on Twitter.  

14. I’m from Generation X and I still got the joke relating to the band KoЯn and package of corn.

15. KoЯn wasn’t big in my wheelhouse when it came to music, but when I realized Robert(IDK) didn’t get the connection with the video clip - I felt your pain.

16. The simplest fail with the kid on the bicycle into the bushes makes Robert laugh.

17. 📍 Trivia Facts:  Robert’s Favorite TV Shows:

A.  SpongeBob

B.  My Little Pony

C.  Death Note

18. Question:  What is Robert’s favorite anime?

Answer:  Death Note

19. If you can’t see Robert’s kick process (accent makes me LOL every time) - here is a small video clip from Robert’s Instagram of his kicking skills at the gym.

Robert is the Owner of this Video

20. Congrats to Boop Troop Member Princewell IDK for one of his videos showed up in the main video.  Princewell IDK -> Twitter --> @PrincewellIDK2

21. 📍 ATTN: RobertIDK - if by some miracle you’re reading this blog page - you know I can’t leave a comment that counts under your videos.  That is why I created this Blog.  I can see my comment, but apparently due to the fact NO ONE ever up or down votes my comment (even then everyone else has at least 20 above and below my message) - says I must have been shadow blocked of some kind.  Help goes both ways.

22. Add to Robert’s already rising “I want one” animal list - Dik Diks.  To be fair - I wouldn’t mind a pair for myself.

23. 📍 Suggestion - more “what you do for a living” clips and Robert has a timer to figure out what their job is for a video.

24. Sadly I bet Piddles was in the pound because everyone thought the cat was to weird looking to adopt.

25. Maybe being a wise-ass is connected to the name Jake when it comes to YouTube. LOL

26. Love how the cat gets on the bench with no problem, but add that little bit of weight and wham to the floor.


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