
1.  Most of my “Tank Shirt” comments can be found on the Blog page back in October 2020 when Robert wore it at

2. Oh!  Robert is in deep Sh-- when Linus and Bearrington find out what he did to Chimp.  Revenge! 🔫🐻

3. I know its a Corpse Husband wanna be deep voice, however even though its “close” - they are both separately sexy sounding.

4. They can be part of “American Got Talent” branch.

5. Robert doesn’t have to be prepared to come down from a tree.  That’s what firefighters are for. LOL

6. So we can avoid the “Will Robert ever join the Air force” question. ✈

7. They have catches on carriers to make sure they don’t fall over the edge.  It's called the constant runout valve. (Nerd & Navy Brat Knowledge)

8. Did that diver end up doing a belly flop in the end? 😲

9. I like how Robert accepts most challenges when it comes to not leaving from his apartment.  LOL

10. The guy on the wind turbine also got me screaming at the screen, but no sweaty palm here.  Maybe a little raised Heart rate though.

11. Something tells me:  If there is enough peer pressure from Robert’s Friends he’d skydive.

12. 📍 #Idea - Robert get some from the YouTube community and do a skydive for Charity event. 

13. Could have been Worse:  Could have been a One-Two punch before the knockout. 👨🤛

14. To play “Devils Advocate” for the Flat Earthers:  Yes there seems to be a curve in the video Robert.  However, as you are a “Professional Video Editor” things can be made to be edit to appear anyway a person wants.

15. They had to slide in the padding for the extra bounce for the end.  Or to cushion the boys neck until the paramedics arrive.

16. If in that hut/cabin had supplies to last for a month and Wi-Fi worked.  Damn Skippy I’d go there solo.  No traffic, no re-runs on TV, no News controversy and less likely to catch or share viruses.

17. Bear Chart:  First shown in video on July 4, 2020 if you are searching for your notes class.  TRY NOT TO GET NERVOUS EPISODE #1000​ (HARDEST ONE YET)

18. Video published on July 4, 2020 @10:25 in. 👍

19. Note:  Robert never ranked “The Teddy Bear”. 🐻

20. Maybe the Polar Bear heard there were photographers in the area and wanted to drop off their head shot to be the next Coca-Cola Bear.  LOL

21. Wonder:  Do you think they tossed down pennies or random stuff from the height just to see how it looks when it lands below?

22. Reading is the last thing on the dudes mind when he can tell all his Friends he had sex on the side of a mountain and use this as a reference photo as alleged proof a bed can be set up.

23. Is it possible to really have a “Good Night Sleep” when you can roll over off the side to your death? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

24. Or they found the video off his corpse. #parachutist

25. Skipping the underground tunnels.  I don’t need to be buried alive early underground if one earthquake brings everything down on me. 💀

26. It’s ok for a video ages you Robert - as long it does it backwards. LOL


  1. IDK he seems pretty firm he wasn't going to skydive not even for chairty.

  2. These are fantastic. You give jokes, references to his past vids and share some personal info from time to time.

  3. I am following you on twitter, Do you have FB?

    1. Yes. DM me on Twitter and I'll help you find me on Facebook. Honestly though - not much but Bingo Team Player and Robert Group Member - so not much of an exciting Life Poster. LOL

      Robertidk fanclub - Private group - 221 members (currently) - I'm pretty much the only Posting stuff and Loving how others are Enjoying the stuff I post. Photos from his videos, Homemade funnies and News about Robert. Its not to hard to find me there - nearly daily.


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