1. Who are these “they” that says eyes are the window to the soul? Answer: Proverbs 30:17 

2. I get it - to show off the tats better a tank would be the right shirt. But NO! 🚫😲

3. Suspect: It’s either really hot in L.A. right now and there is no AC for Robert to enjoy so he’s wearing a tank.

4. Tank shirt? Really? Even on the beach Robert doesn’t wear a tank shirt. Ever. ⛱

5. Know the Levels: Dress Shirts, Dress Shirts with a Tie, Dress Shirts with a Tie and suspenders, Regular Shirts, Hipster Shirts, T-Shirts, T-Shirts (or some call undershirts) with Overalls and Tank Shirts. Then one day - shirtless. 😋

6. Request: Please leave anything Adidas for shoe apparel only. I instantly went to thoughts of Run-DMC when I saw the brand. 🎵👟

7. Wondering: When did anyone ever call Robert a “girly boy” to his face? (emo boy maybe)
8. LOL: Robert is the toughest girly boy with tattoos while wearing a tank shirt I’ve seen in my life.

9. Shrink asks: When did this “need” to make fun of dumb parents start?

10. I see 11 months later the Light-saber bought in Disneyland still comes in hand for videos. 🤺

11. We get an intro for all videos except Min-Monday’s?

12. My Nerd Alert: it’s “order will be restored throughout the galaxy”

13. Of course it was a balloon - did you not notice the “Happy (assuming Birthday)” sign in the background?

14. Note: The Lion King toss now has both proof and a witness (the one taking the photo) of their stupidity for Child Protection Services.

15. LOL: Robert just notices the Bricks for game pieces and I bet he didn’t even notice the fancy newspaper wallpaper either.

16. Most do some testing - it’s call Fertility testing. If Robert is Hoping for I.Q. testing then sadly the Human race would be doomed. 💣💥

17. Went from “lazy to crazy” within seconds.

18. Suspect: Someone either needs to leave Robert in his room for some “private time” or smuggle his girlfriend from Canada to the States so he can release some of that pent up quarantine pressure he’s feeling cause decaf coffee isn’t going to do it this time. 🤭

19. In the toy car - there was a helmet, a grown up and lots of fun - why not?

20. Note: He also had a “Don’t Tread On Me” flag in the back and the “Don’t Tread on me” phrase  is a powerful American symbol that is recognized worldwide as a marker of freedom So they had the freedom to be STUPID? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

21. For those who want to know if they’ve been slapped in the head as a child. If you got the answer of 72 - you weren’t. (9X8=)

22. During this quarantine it's never to early to set-up a exercise program for the kids. #justSaying

23. “Damn it Robert! I told you I’m trying to get some sleep.” Rocco pauses, “and cause Nobu is a boy too we can’t have children unless you bring us a woman or let rats adopt.”

24. Note: Robert never asked Nobu - was he afraid of his response? LOL

25. If we ever have a “Do you know RobertIDK contest” can one of the questions be “How many times have Robert mention ‘Natural Selection’ in his videos?”

26. LOL - Robert buys shampoo when you should have tons of sample shampoos from your visits to the hotel at the conventions.

27. Spell Check ---> it’s Mississauga

28. Doesn’t Robert not understand about giving out personal information & crazy fans combo don’t mix? (⓿_⓿)

29. Sorry Robert can’t use the ‘won’t be visited’ argument when the ‘you won’t be inheriting our money’ argument come right on back at you. Plus who we kidding? They aren’t leaving their Parent’s home with fancy food like this around to be able to be made. ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )

30. Yes! Let’s grab everyone being dumb - including siblings, but will suck for those others who are an only child. However, they can get a quick peek on what they are missing out on and enjoy the video too.👍

31. Note 5:36 & 10:46 : Robert is back fondling himself again - maybe the tank was just to give him early access to do that?

32. This is where reading lips during censored parts would come in handy. Even if you can - don’t bother looking it up the uncensored version. This “mom” is wasting her time searching:

1. Mom thinks there is Pro version of that item?
2. Mom should already known its a live version item not one needing to watch to enjoy.
3. Mom knows any action with that “job” will be accepted from Dad no matter the body part used.
4. It’s called buying a DVD you can use over and over without needing to search all day for freebies or favorites.

33. Mom should have answered: “Go ask your Father.”

34. It’s called “You've gone incognito” for a reason. 😎

35. Maybe his training should have been on a golf cart first and move up to a fork lift?

36. Wondering: Why did Robert put a Southern accent in that clip? LOL

37. I’m proud of Robert - not one comment about “women drivers” ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )

38. Technically is she driving with no hands on the wheel?

39. Better job on the Bars at the end. 🎵 ฅʕ•̫͡•ʔฅ

40. Wondering: Which character of Top Gun is Robert trying to look like with the shades? 😎


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