You Had ONE Job Dude... 🤦‍♂️


1. Damn those eyes. 👍

2. Forcing the deep “Corpse Husband voice” doesn’t make it sexy coming out of Robert’s mouth.  Natural or Nothing dude.

3. You can always put a trash bin in the bathroom to cover up the pipe.

4. If the transportation department would offer a charge to have personal messages outside people houses - the walk with the pets would become more interesting as people would slow down to read while the pets can spend more time enjoying time to find places to pee/poo.

5. If you need more Shia and Robert relationship track down “My Date with Shia Labeouf” back on October 18, 2015 and “Me vs. Pewds vs. Shia Labeouf” on February 16, 2016.

6. LMAO - Robert doesn’t know how to create it as an audio file and download it into settings on his phone.

7. Here is audio -->  Shia (link opens in other window) - hit the X "sign up" box to close and top has download button.

8. Dictionary:  Pestilential - relating to or tending to cause infectious diseases.

9. Do they know how many drunk drivers will be getting off from being arrested if they ask to ‘walk the white line’? LOL

10. At the 9:25 mark can we get some type of clues Robert when you and  Cameron have your inside jokes that can't be included in a video, yet are included in the video?  A bigger hint than "it's a meme".  Some of the "adults" would like to enjoy the joke as well - even if it means we have to Google to find it.  Thanks.

11. Use the audio and program it under alarm system on the phone.

12. They do sell shovels to remove the dead roadkill like the goose.

13. As long as their is a delivery service - I would stay at the pool.

14. Thanks to Google there is a Brad Delp who was lead singer for Rock bands Boston.  He’s dead - so they can stop asking for him.

15. Technically they did load the bags.

16. Blurred image - suppose to be a pumpkin waffle shape.  Others will see something else.

17. Keep your thoughts will be pure watch the RobertIDK videos - but at night totally different situation. 🛌

18. Maybe Luigi forgot to do his laundry and borrowed the shirt from Mario.  Brothers do that all the time, right?  Can’t explain the hat though.  LOL

19. And to this date Amazon still continues to use these age ranges.

20. LOL:  That is a long set-up for a small joke about cats. 🐱


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