My Editor Sent Me Strange TikToks At 3AM...


1. So if we don’t like these TikTok’s it’s all Cameron’s fault.  Got it.

2. So it seems Robert doesn’t plan to leave the house in the future because he’s sending the Wife out while he stays home with the kids.

3. No clue where that knit hat skeleton hand holding a rose design is from.  If anyone knows - please comment below.

4. Kermit never should “hate” anything - he’s a National Treasure in the eyes of those Young at Heart.

5. 📍 Idea:  Robert should have Elmo and Kermit make Peace.

6. According to Google:  The Fairly OddParents --> Final episode date: July 26, 2017.

7. Note:  Having the loose string at Kermit’s mouth is driving me nuts.  Remove it already. (⓿_⓿)

8. Yes.  Make “Instant Karma” more than just a theme song.  Make it a Single.

9. What are the odds that one of Robert’s rings yanked that string loose after he punched Kermit?

10. Kermit has his own stash of mushrooms in the studio.  He’s not hearing sounds; only colors. (Get it?)

11. And Robert has a TikTok account that’s he claims to “post every day” and never did since August.  So at least they are posting content.

12. I enjoy the Cameron Cameo’s in the videos.

13. Yes we do know who put the milk in the refrigerator Robert.  It was the dude in Blue - just in this scene. LMAO (he meant to say cabinet)

14. Facts:  “You should always be thinking about Kermit the Frog.”


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