Youtube is being weird lately...


1. Reading about “gas leaks” while on the toilet. LOL #FartJoke

2. At first I thought that was a towel holder, but it’s a hanger on a towel hanger, which since they are tossed over the shower - never been used.  So what is he hanging up on the hanger? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

3. Wondering:  Does this mean we’re suppose to call September 2021 the month we dare not name in the future?

4. Years later Robert still have BED ISSUES:


Additional Sources:

How to date a YouTuber (Gone Sexual)" on February 13, 2016.

How to Marry a YouTuber” November 13, 2016.

RobertIDK’s Meme Mansion:  House Tour” March 3, 2018.

5.  Wondering:  Is he “doing great” have to do anything with the medicine bottle on the end table?  (Robert - future videos - you may want to just toss it in the drawer).

6. Those who have been with Robert to be called an OG already know Robert comes back stronger.  We’re just grateful he didn’t first disappear like he did in the past.

7. Question:  How can Robert miss some uploads?  If he was prepared he would have some stashed in advanced and even when he has a time when he has to leave town, such as, going to a Brother’s wedding - he can have Cameron upload them for him.  Or even re-upload one of the videos he’s made private or one he should have re-edited after taking out the yellow dollar sign videos where it involved injury to a child or whatever.  Or he could have even asked Cameron to fill in for him by pretty much doing anything - even sharing editing skills.

8. Robert can’t keep blaming YouTube or his A.D.D. (or any other Health issue) as his excuses for not doing his job.

9. Robert had plenty of time to do back-up videos while he was getting some new tattoos (why not doing a LIVE show of that?) or trying to reopen his Twitch account to “chill”.

10. I watch RobertIDK’s videos all the time they are released (and sometimes go back for some LOL on a few) - it’s called being a SUBSCRIBER and having the BELL on ALERT. #Facts

11. Mini-Rant:  Will someone tell Robert that YouTube can’t hold his hand to be a top YouTuber just because he can’t go on vacation or under the weather?  An estimated over 37 million accounts and over 1.8 Billion people are logging in to view some content to break them away from the real World’s mess. (Data Source:  Google)

12. He might have made YouTube his full time job (besides Music) - but there are plenty willing to take his place at any moment. #Facts

13. Personal:  ROTFLMAO.  Robert’s video got shadow-ban.  ROTFLMAO!  Now he knows how apparently I felt being shadow banned when my comments I post under the videos (even from an entire page - to just one line items) never get noticed. The reason to start up the blog. #Karma

14. Its all about the algorithm and apparently content doesn’t matter anymore.

15. Facts:  Out of all 7 episodes on Twitch Robert never kick-boxes Bob in any of them.

16. When you see the Twitch clip - you can see the longer version on my Twitter account.  I stayed up until 3am to post the longer clip because Robert said he wanted it clipped and he asked for someone to @ him and he’d re-post it.  Surprise!  Not only did I have a nice comment to accompany the clip - it never made it to his Twitter page.  By anyone.  He never re-tweeted from anyone.  #Liar Liar his Pants on Fire Robert

17. (the clip - remember to unmute)

18. I was up past 3 a.m. in part that I was editing down the entire stream into bits for the RobertIDK Facebook page.

 However, when the section did come up I made sure I posted as soon as I could so he could share his Pain and Victory. (PS - group is Private, but easy to join)

19. Guessing - when the cardboard cutouts are away - Bob takes the brunt of the violence in the home.

20. Hey Cameron!” (there is his shout-out)

21. Wondering:  Should someone be that out of breath after only a few moments of beating up Bob? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

22. Rose must have been “no biggie” since we can only enjoy the blur version of it.  Here is a clear version of it.

23. Facts:  Just because you have tattoos doesn’t make someone extreme or hardcore.

24. LOL:  Rocco returns to the cage and as Nobu is about to come down using Robert’s leg - he stands up.

25. Bad tattoos video?  Sure why not?

26. Yes to more “update” videos. 👍

27. Sarcasm:  He sure kept it 100 when in July 2021 there was a giggly woman holding his camera in a video and wham in August she appears sharing details she (name withheld) was his girlfriend.  Sure - no secrets going on here. (again sarcasm)

28. And because Robert made it to easy to anyone to do this - which was a 100% mistake - the possible floor plan of his home. 


  1. Holy Shit Woman you only get better every page. xoxo

  2. I did the floor thing too. It looks like a small place for someone so popular on youtube.


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