How Can People POSSIBLY Be This Dumb... 🤦‍♂️


1. Sonic is looking less hedgehog and more like a little boy.

2. Wondering:  What the lady at the checkout thought as he purchased several onesies?  Did he use the “It’s almost time for Halloween” excuse?

3. If you watch the news - there will never be a limit on this subject of “people doing dumb things” - so Hope it turns into a series.

4. Don’t they take the phone away if you’re in the ER and claiming to have Covid?

5. Was that a woman lighting the fire?  If yes - what are the odds her hairspray had the burn worse?

6. Wondering:  Didn’t they set their car alarm and it would go off before they finished wrapping the car?

7. That’s what he gets for being so young and still walking around in Dad sandals.

8. Every model has to get paid even if it’s an iguana.  Really couldn’t get some food from your beach picnic?

9. I wonder if the video went viral. 🤔

10. High-5 for Spider-man continuing the performance for the kids. 👍

11. Thanks to the Internet trying to get “the shot” is why we can’t have nice things on display without the red velvet ropes.

12. What?  She needs her license pulled for driving so recklessly and suspend her MOM card for being talked into doing it.

13. Did he - the one not paying the bill - tell her to “Calm Down”?

14. Some people say they don’t know how to cook, but should there be a quick test for those who know how to cook and have to interact with an emergency?  Like CPR before you leave the hospital with a new kid?

15. Someone failed Science Class.

16. The theory Robert is seeking is it Evaporates after contact with water.

17. Not a deer.  It is a antelope.  Still Wild.

18. Didn’t the cyclist have some jerky or health nut bar he could pay off the dogs with so he can pass?

19. If the dog comes after him - SUE.  It’s the American way.

20. Is it me or after a while the entire Sonic Onesie doesn’t seem like a costume on Robert?  LOL


  1. Wonder if he asked for her number at the check out and after seeing all the furry stuff if she gave it to him. hehe


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