1. Correction: It’s Robert with a bad Southern accent. Bless his Heart for making the attempt.
2. First view of the new Rose tattoo along the thumb.
3. Still love the sweater. 💗
4. Is it me or when Robert gets right up in the camera he can pass for Jacksepticeye? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
5. First of all they should have started goofing on him about his name then you go goofing about everything else.
6. “I love my Mom” shirt - depends on which state your wearing it in. It might mean something else. LOL
7. Damn Mom - why did you have to leave the car? Do they own a car?
8. I suspect that was “too soon” for Robert to make that joke about ‘the ex’.
9. Dirty Comment Alert: If she did - why would any man make her their ex? (think about it).
10. Was Cameron having a stroke there before guessing the wrong answer?
11. No one likes “teachers pet”.
12. “Saved by the Bell” classroom.
13. James has put himself in “the Friend zone” so there is no need for girlfriends.
14. Adult Comment Joke: Does that mean hanging out with his Mom make him hard instead?
15. Note: We never see “Dad” in the entire video. Did he go for Milk and never come home?
16. Mom and Son scene in the hospital got me tearing up. 😢
17. Robert has to work on his fake crying skills.
18. What doctor never notice the Cancer on her last check up?
19. I would sue Dr. Barry for mistaken results.
20. The first call should be the husband with the updates.
21. As long as she pays - he stays.
22. Wondering: Is the lemon story based on a true story? 🤔
23. Why does Deshawn look like a bobble head figure?
24. Paco and Juan - stereotyping at its finest. Was Jose already taken?
25. Was Dhar Mann flexing?
26. She is only looking for a man who can afford non-ripped shorts.
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