I Am Allergic To COLD! *True Story* (My Story Animated Reaction)


1. The glow from the alien neon in the front of the video - blows.

2. First we deal with the light ring in the video and now the neon.  Nice in back - but blocking the view in the front - not liking too much.

3. So this is the Positive Karen - not the outrageous ones we’ve seen freaking out.  Nice.

4. Or early Michelin Man

5. Everyone gets assigned a “super rich Best Friend” to equal out the balance in the World.

6. It’s not suppose to “be cool” - when you’re a member of the Mean Girls.

7. LOL - Robert appears to intently listening to the story, but misses the part about the ski trip. 🤣

8. Duh Robert:  Again - no one told Hudson that Karen had issues with being Cold.  She didn’t even share that information.

9. Vengeance is how we got the Karen’s of today Robert.  Be the bigger person and just walk away.

10. That’s my kind of breakfast - Breakfast Burgers. 🍔

11. Karen never had kids? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

12. Wondering:  If Karen faked being preggo - would Zian feel different?

13. Could Zian be charged with Fraud?  I too am not a lawyer, but I believe its still possible.

14. Karen better remember the prenup before marrying the doctor.

15. So it ends with a “Do Father’s Have Rights” issue. 🤔

16. Also is there no warm countries outside the USA they could run off too where Zian could never find them?


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