After 30 YEARS I Am STILL Only 16?! (My Story Animated Reaction)


1. Spoiler Alert right in the into. 👎

2. The first suggestion is to learn how to type your own pseudonym. LOL 

3. Show of hands - who did the search anyway? 🙋‍♀️

4. FYI:  Mike Goldberg:  Announcer for UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship)

5. Wondering:  Does Robert know Mike or did he buy a Cameo video from him and asked him to do the announcer clip for his channel?

6. What psychologically class did Robert take to think spoiled rich kids will turn out bad?  True they never understand the pleasures of cleaning toilets or working 9-5 as a cashier, but where is the statistics?

7. I wouldn’t mind to be an unhappy Adult and Rich.  That way I can pay a therapist to change the mindset.

8. Question:  If Amara wasn’t rich, a good dancer and a cheerleader would Greg even bother with her?

9. If Greg was super cooler he would have called it a “beauty mark” over “birth mark”. 

10. Beauty Vs. Smart - what would you choose? 

11. Amara perhaps wants to hit up a remote island so she can keep Greg from finding another woman to take him away from her?

12. OR Amara wants the remote island because their love is so unique they can create their own World embraced in their Love?

13. “Very Pretty” or as the animators call it behind the scenes “Big Boobed”

14. NOTE:  These kids are in High School and at a bar?  What? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

15. WOW!  A 13 year nap.  I am so jealous…I mean shocked.

16. Adult Advice:  That is why you should have your will and terms of medical paperwork so if you end up in a coma your Family will know what to do for you.

17. The Power of Music. 🎵

18. “Popular Social Platforms”

19. Greg was already cheating on her - I’m surprised he lasted a year visiting in the first place.

20. Stalker Mistake #1:  Always make sure you are stalking the right person. 🤓

21. Did she mean “Coffe” shop? (read sign)

22. Greg turned into Brad Pitt. 😲

23. Excuse U:  I Believe it was not looking both ways before crossing the street caused the coma OR the drunk driver and the 2nd driver who smashed her skull caused the coma.

24. No one even mentioned she can start dating online for a new Greg? 🤔

25. “Personal Counselling” = Therapy

26. No one suggested she can just get her GED?

27. Is this why Robert isn’t on FB?  People like Amara? \(〇_o)/

28. The Ultimate revenge would be she date one of the grown sons and then either marry him behind Greg and Lucy’s backs or dump him so hard they have to watch the son suffer. #Idea 


  1. I didn't even notice about the bar thing.

  2. In school all the popular kids were the "pretty people" so I chose EMO.

    1. Same but for only a year. The eyeliner was too expensive to purchase for me.

  3. I am going to start call my boobs animator boobs. LMAO.

  4. Why haven't I seen this blog before? These are great.


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