REACTING TO MY FIRST VIDEO!!! (1 Million Special)


1. Wondering:  Was that riding the elevator gag or some leftovers of hide and go seek game?

2. Wondering:  Was Robert embarrassed to return to view his first video within the 4 years?

3. So finally a reason why there will never be a “theme song” for Mini-Monday’s.  I can stop reminding him of it.

4. Wondering:  Did we ask an insight of his love making? (longer).

5. LOL (Thumbnail).  Thumbs up to the Thumbnail. 👍

6. Somethings never change:  My camera battery died.

7. 📌Future Trivia:  “What’s Happenin’, Forum?” was first said by Ray William Johnson.

8. So let’s review:  Robert had swiped a song, a saying from another YouTuber and another saying involving an animal in his first video on YouTube.

9. Dare to Compare: 

10. Sad:  Robert missed the opportunity to say he really likes to eat things like “Deez Nuts.” when he held up them up.

11. Wondering:  What was this #2?  Grapes, Plums, Chocolate?

12. Robert hates overhead lighting.  Sorry Sun 🌞  - Robert hates you, but only when he’s outside. LOL

13. If you think Link was cringe to see in the first video find the 2nd and flip to the end to see how Link really feels about Robert. LOL

14. Wondering:  Are we just passing over the fact Robert was doing a self-exam in the video on his chest?

15. He knew stuff.  It’s called Thanks to a Marketing Degree.

16. Believing in the seed of RobertIDK really wants me put together an animation of a young Robert saying “I am RobertIDK” like “I am Groot”.

17. Nice Goal:  Draw my Life.

18. Now I’m secretly Hoping everyone in the Million Boop Troop go open an back up YouTube account to get 2 Million instantly for him to complete the Goal to see it. #Idea


  1. IDK he might be a 2 minute man in bed & things thats long enough. :P

  2. I like your idea AnnMarie on getting everyone get a 2nd account. hehe

  3. These are Great.


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