YOU HAD ONE JOB!!! (People Failing Simple Tasks)


1. If Robert knew what I was thinking he’d be blushing right now.  LOL

2. Follow up question:  Why wasn’t Robert zoomed in before now? (⓿_⓿)

3. Wondering:  Do you think Robert went to the payments route or paid full price all at once for the lens? 🤔

4. Do you think Robert is just trying it out because he lost it in the move and just now found it?

5. I believe that yellow one is a Pear flavored. 

6. America is saved because as Robert was born in Canada - he can’t be President.  Unless one of his Parents is an American.

7. OMG!  I would drive back - no matter how far to show them that towel and bargain a big dinner meal.

8. Except unless you’re looking down - who would even notice the tile out of place? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

9. To be fair - with the double doors with no steps - what are the odds they would be burglarized?

10. Wondering:  Is the upside down stairs for those in wheelchairs who are daredevils? 👨‍🦽♿ 

11. 📍 Maybe Robert isn’t aware that tons of the Boop Troop are doing all we can to get people to sign up and join.  Maybe a shout out or acknowledge about that in a video would help morale. #idea

12. Maybe a clue on who those 2 dudes were in the video? 

13. “they were all legal” LMAO

14. No Sheet Sherlock women came up to Robert when he was 16 and in school.  Heck nothings changed, but he's no longer in High School. 

15. Truthful:  Even if I didn’t need the item - I’d still purchase it and act like I was rich at the checkout because I can “afford” the increase.

16. If there wasn’t video - you know the driver wouldn’t be caught.

17. Facts:  That was a Jaguar F-Type car.

18. From 13:41 to 14:21 - anyone else hear Robert talking so low & sexy like he’s describing a Mail Order Bride instead of a car? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


  1. Now he is almost got a million subs he can pay full price.

    OMG after going back to #18 it does sound like that. hehe


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