
1. “Forth floor YouTube.”

2. As former volleyball player - that first video really gets me angry. 

3. I 100% blame the lazy owner who didn’t even sit up to play keep away with the bone - instead placing his own at risk.

4. From all Women who have had issues with men (past & present) - Good Boy!

5. LOL - now we know why Harry Styles is Smiling.  Because one day he knew he’d be Happy to avoid those type of videos with his eyes taped up.

6. Wondering:  Would it be more painful if he was sober and got the message?

7. For those who don’t get the “Shark bait hoo ha ha” it’s from “Finding Nemo” movie.

8. To me RUINT is just past tense of the word RUIN. (I’m not hip to many meme things though).

9. Thanks for the fact checking Cameron. 👍

10. At this point - why panic?  If you’re going to make it - you’ll make it.  Though why record it if you have Loved ones you should be calling/texting leaving messages of Love?

11. If the plane crashes and its recovered as evidence - will the Family get money for the video?

12. Didn’t find the video clip - likely it was one that was taken down. 😢💔

13. Imagine:  A burglar is broken in your apartment/home - which do you think Robert grabs?  

A.  A bat - as former baseball player he could slam a burglar.

B.  A light-saber to have the burglar LOL so hard he just leaves feeling sorry for Robert being such a nerd.


14. That reminds me of the cheerleader who gets slammed by the football players busting through the paper sign.

15. I suspect that’s not a bus.  More of a real 18 wheeler tracker trailer.

16. It has a sleeping cab right behind him and instantly the tracking system the company put in the rig called out to him in an alert.

17. Well, since its a girl in the video - a nut shot wasn’t necessary, but revenge of sand in her clothes was.

18. You know his Dad is at home praying that they never release his sons last name due to embarrassment.

19. Did the driver of the forklift get out? (⓿_⓿)

20. Robert confesses that back in the day he gave out his crust to other people.  How dirty does that sound without context?  LOL

21. Maybe she was hanging out to view some men’s junk by being at the bathroom area.

22. She could have just seen how smart he was by saying its a Trough.  LOL

23. This is why when your visiting outside the country to another one (like Amsterdam) you really should know the basics.

24. I bet Trip Advisor didn’t mention the 2nd type of urinals at festivals on their website for this dude.

25. Was that an Earl of Lemongrab voice?

26. It’s always nice of Robert to ruin (RUINT) his day for the Boop Troop.


  1. That lemongrab / Rob combination was hilarious.

  2. why didn't he take the stairs? isn't he into excerise?


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