
Showing posts from June, 2021


Notes: 1.  It’s official.  In future articles one of the main staples will be the mention of his famous watermelon shirt. 2.  OMG!  Is that why Robert is taking kickboxing classes?  One day will be YouTuber RobertIDK vs. Conor McGregor match?  3.   Irony:   Robert shows off how much he’s using on his phone and not in the real world and coming back to Twitter from the real world. 4.  If you’re looking for another quiz -->  (did this last August) - & they also have the wrong Birthdate. 5.   Facts:   The Internet lied to everyone on what Robert’s real Birthday is.   6. 📍  Birthday Facts:  His REAL Birthday is June 24, 1994 . 7.  Wondering:   Is this still a “Kid Friendly” video or ad for a dating service? LOL (at 5:48) 8.  Pouti...


Notes: 1.  Robert films for our entertainment. 2.  Robert also films or he doesn’t get paid. 💲💰 3.  Robert better get used to film for life. 4.  Wonder:  If one day Robert will have a non-Family Friendly Channel on the side. 5.  Likely any opening to “Oh Canada” would interest Robert. 6. 📍   Marked this Video:   Robert is not to have more than one boy.  (He will likely regret saying this in the future). 7.  What is that a tub of cheese? 8.  Note:  Also you don’t use flash while filming a video. 9.  What weirdos got them that stuffed animal that looks like their cat? 10.  Even the dog left to the backseat after being busted. 11.  I suspect that Robert has been just as animated while singing in a car. 12.  Idea:  Glue small cups to slip the drinks in so they don’t fall off the tray. 13.  That little girl has so many more movie mysteries to be revealed in the future. 14.  What happe...


Notes: 1.  It’s ironic that both are Singers, but only one sounds worse than the other. 2.  Irony is the 1/2 Sister to Sarcasm. 3.  I Love the 1/2 Poster idea. 4. 📍 How about we get that Irish teacher and  Jacksepticeye   and have a full contest on whose the loudest. 5.  Our Geography teacher just used an air horn to get us to settle down. 6.  Hope the execution chamber was a Halloween decoration. 7.  What else will Subway offer?  Free soda? 8.  Can that 5 th  grader spell -- Summer School? 9.  I currently have a 2005 Ford Focus. 10. 📍 #idea Robert can take the Banana Car - go around to all 50 States meeting up with the Boop Troop Family and filming videos by visiting popular or rare locations per state.  See how long he can upkeep the used car. #RoadTrip 11. 📍  Collab YouTubers (old & new) in that State.  Send footage to Cameron to edit while on the road. 12.  So Robert is Pro clipboard person outsi...


Notes: 1.  I thought Robert was referring to “Red Rover” or “Tag” or even “Twister” as the “Kids Games”. 2.  Is Greasy another name for Sweaty? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 3.  We have imaginations to wonder what Robert’s forehead looked like.  However, many more used it to wonder what Robert looked like in the nude. LOL 4.  Usually I avoid people by Smiling and acting like when we get closer we’re going to chat. 5.  The pimple game is gross, yet Robert continues to play it. LOL 6.  Note:   Pimpus is missing a finger. 7.  They asked to use tweezers to kill the flies because they were out of chopsticks. ( The Karate Kid goof) 8.  What no lollipop for being a good patient? 🍭 9.  “ I am the World Champion of the Dinosaur Game ” - since we didn’t get a muscle flex - guess Robert replaced it with a verbal flex. LOL 10.  Worst score than Roberts. (2 tries)


Notes: 1.   Look Santa Robert is back. 🎅 2.   Three elusive creatures on RobertIDK team? A.   Robert B.   Cameron C.   Rocco D.   Nobu   3.   “Please sir step over here for our second security search.” TSA 4.   This type of style is what I suggested previous for a chat between Rocco and Nobu. 5.   Why leave quarantine when there is photoshop? 6.   Pizza Day?  We only had Senior Skip Day . 7.   Name of the Movie:   The Shaggy D.A. (1976) 8.   Likely the 98% on non-recorded experience not written down were “pull my finger” jokes. 9.   Wolf clips - WTF? 10.  It’s like playing D&D for Wolves. 11.  I would never ever call my Parents by their first name. 12.  TiKTok is overrated.  Skip it.  Not even worth a theme song. 👎


Notes: 1.  Did we all just get Rick Rolled with this video being switched out? 2.  Wondering:   Can cats have anxiety to the point they want to hide in public? 3.  The dog was probably thinking - he must have found something tasty - let me try it. 4.  That’s the same reaction when my Friends try to get me to try their wheat-grass drinks. 5.  Pull out a bag of dog treats and that egg will be gone. 6.  The Dog/Cat road trip is like Brother/Sister doing the “I’m not touching you” move. 7.  I didn’t see that dog bring his lunchbox - Hope he has lunch money to purchase at school. LOL 8.  Is that the original Water Taxi of the sea? 9.  The #BoopTroop hashtag is getting out there - has Robert not been looking for it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 10.  Is the “thug dog” done in reverse? 11.  That’s what kids are doing when the Internet is down or game systems are taken away?  Seal themselves into trash bags? 12.  Sideshow Mel Bird? 13.  ...


Notes: 1.  Robert standing in front of closet:  What do you want to be today Robert? The voice in his head:  A dinosaur….a Pink Dinosaur.  2.   My Biggest Mistake:   Not investing in Microsoft back in the day. 3.  The daughter is going to need the tacos later when she gets the munchies after the Parents leave and your introduced to your sketchy roommate who likes brownies.  LOL 4.  That tractor is what some call the Triple A of the Heartland. 5.  This Face:  6.  Vulcan took me right to Star Trek with Spock so I don’t know weapons either. 7.  Just collect the insurance money and create another image of paint samples. 8.  I often suspect that they released the Sonic character in bad fashion just to hype up the movie.  The rest of the movie with Sonic was the 2 nd  photo. 9.  Didn’t we see the Brother in different costumes before?  I know I’ve seen it.  The older Brother was a about to enro...


NOTES: Now it doesn’t matter if you’re an OG or Newbie you should recognized that something really went off the rails (or off the tracks) with this video.  What do you think is the reason? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 1.  It was a rush job. 2.  He’s to distracted from his break-up. 3.  To busy trying to find another girlfriend. 4.  Mismanaged sleep before filming. 5.  Mismanaged medication before filming. 6.  Distracted because of the 1 Million Subscribers is coming up. 7.  Other ___________ As much as I enjoyed posting the updated on how Robert had yet created this video until today. CLICK 2 ENLARGE or Zoom In   I didn’t even have any comments posted under that thread to even have considered to be used. Then I’m watching the video and wondering WTF is happening?  Did I sit through those many ads for this video? ಥ _ ಥ Sure Robert doesn’t view reaction videos to keep things fresh, however, being able to scan over a few song ideas in advanced isn’t the same....

⌛⏳ Homemade Crossword Puzzle

  As you know I am one of the many who have been trying to get Robert to one MILLION Subscribers on YouTube and part of that advertisement I created online this crossword puzzle. You can right click and download it and see just how much do you know RobertIDK.  Are you a member of the Boop Troop who thinks this is a breeze to complete?  Or will you get stuck & need the Answers?


Notes: 1.  Auto Tune has to go. ❌🎤👨 2.  LOL - Robert said he’s back “Normal” 3.  Fails - those rings Robert wears. (just an opinion) 4.  Did they try to make the thigh gap into a shape of a small skinny Heart to get people to “love” their product? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 5.  “The thigh gap.”  Robert said he’s not going to get into it. #ThinkDirty 6.   Remember:   You may not be Giants my Friends, but you can still on the shoulders of them.  (see idioms) 7.  This is why Robots will never replace Humans when it comes to photoshop failures.   8.  At first glance:  I thought she was sitting on someone who was trying to escape the inside of the bolder.  His leg and hand by her foot. 9.  One of Robert’s less known talents:  Magic. 10.  Wondering:  Did someone screw the pooch by letting LeBron wear his white basketball shorts in the photo on a white background? 🤔 11.  That was quick judgement.  Maybe she...

I AM A WIMP #008 - Things That Make You Say NOPE

Notes: 1.  I am still really loving the camera lens. 👍 2.  Watched the original in the afternoon on my phone and watching again to write this blog page in the evening from laptop. 3.  So Robert is the one guy at the rink who can out skate the 10 and under kids.  Wow!  What a flex. LOL 4.  Rhino taking care of the zebra stripped car and treat it like a tinker toy.  Love it. 5.  Maybe there was a leech in there not some sinus issue.  6.  Wondering if any of those re-creating the icon photograph is descendants from one of the originals. #KinPhotos 7.  They should have added an cheat card on one of the skeletons. 🦴🃏 8.  Any violin worth its cost - will always be kept in a case. 9.   Facts:  Tarantula Hawk is a type of spider wasp that prey and eats tarantulas. 10.  Beauty is in the eye of the prey.  Snakes Vs. Meerkats  11.  Flashback:  Did Robert once mention he was thinking of buying a snake...

YOU HAD ONE JOB!!! (People Failing Simple Tasks)

Notes: 1.  If Robert knew what I was thinking he’d be blushing right now.  LOL 2.  Follow up question:  Why wasn’t Robert zoomed in before now? (⓿_⓿) 3.  Wondering:  Do you think Robert went to the payments route or paid full price all at once for the lens? 🤔 4.  Do you think Robert is just trying it out because he lost it in the move and just now found it? 5.  I believe that yellow one is a Pear flavored.  6.  America is saved because as Robert was born in Canada - he can’t be President.  Unless one of his Parents is an American. 7.  OMG!  I would drive back - no matter how far to show them that towel and bargain a big dinner meal. 8.  Except unless you’re looking down - who would even notice the tile out of place? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 9.  To be fair - with the double doors with no steps - what are the odds they would be burglarized? 10.  Wondering:  Is the upside down stairs for those in wheelchairs who are d...


Notes: 1.  At first glance I didn’t see the cage in the background.  I guess I was distracted with Robert’s unkept hair. LOL 2.  In other words -- Robert gets sidetracked often in a video. 3.  My Prayers (one of them) is answered when I heard that Rocco and Nobu were the “Special Guests” in the video. 4.  OMG!  Evidence that Nobu still exists.  Yea! 5.  Now I think about it the sweatshirt should have given a clue the rats were visiting.  Robert is likely wearing it to avoid their claws as mentioned in a prior video. 6.  Yes - having the rats in the room again would be Wonderful.  However, maybe set up a hammock where they can travel from the cage to the table or onto Robert - so Robert isn’t so distracted. 7.  LOVING the vibes coming off Robert when Nobu is interacting with him.💗 8.  I was freaking out a little when they put the dog in the trunk, but A-ok with it when the drink tray came down and the head came out.  ...


Notes: 1.  “Forth floor YouTube.” 2.  As former volleyball player - that first video really gets me angry.  3.  I 100% blame the lazy owner who didn’t even sit up to play keep away with the bone - instead placing his own at risk. 4.  From all Women who have had issues with men (past & present) - Good Boy! 5.  LOL - now we know why Harry Styles is Smiling.  Because one day he knew he’d be Happy to avoid those type of videos with his eyes taped up. 6.  Wondering:  Would it be more painful if he was sober and got the message? 7.  For those who don’t get the “Shark bait hoo ha ha” it’s from “ Finding Nemo ” movie. 8.  To me RUINT is just past tense of the word RUIN. (I’m not hip to many meme things though). 9.  Thanks for the fact checking Cameron. 👍 10.  At this point - why panic?  If you’re going to make it - you’ll make it.  Though why record it if you have Loved ones you should be calling/texting leaving mes...


Notes: 1.  Perhaps using graphics would help it explain today’s video over just simple gestures.  He’s a Professional Video Editor who knows how to add lines and charts, right? 2.  I began to cry when the dog reached over and put his/her paw on the boat, but Smiled when the tail began to wag. #PerfectEmotionalClip 3.  Sadly the best way to get the best out of a Celebrity is to boost their ego. 4.  That Dad will forever use this video for the rest of his kids life to be the Best Dad who meet The Rock. 5.  So some stranger - at a skate park - is interacting with your son and there is nothing wrong with it? 🤔 6.  I am Hoping so bad that he asked the Mother for permission to help out.   7.  That look of Awesomeness on the kids face was worth all the money in the world. 8.   Note:  The kid is wearing no helmet. 9.   Question:  But did the Rover have to be bothered by an elderly person chatting the entire way or a crying bab...