WOULD YOU RATHER: The Hardest Questions EVER


1. You doesn’t Love Kermit? 🐸💗

2. Wondering:  Why didn’t say Boop Troop over “People”?  Didn’t Robert tell him the Fandom name?

3. OMFG!  This is the 3rd video in the series and it gets a theme song???!!?  While Mini-Monday’s has and never had gotten one?

4. Mini Monday was stuck with a temporary one with “The Robert Hand”. 

5. I can bypass the slushies - so for me Fire Breath.

6. Honest:  Lots of Robert in Black & White is slightly sexier for me.

7. Are we all in agreement that Robert likes to play with his hair as a form of his nervousness? 🤔

8. Seriously?  Flashing back to the cinnamon challenge?  Either way - doing neither because I don’t follow the trends and never snort (not even when I laugh).

9. I would float out in space with my music visiting other possible items in the galaxy.  Visit some other planets, asteroids and avoiding black holes.

10. I’m a very good swimmer - shark all way way. 🦈

11. I have the over speaking disease too.  I will continue to chat about anything until the other person runaway with some fake excuse.

12. Vampire

13. This is why I worry that Robert doesn’t have people he can delicate too.  One person doesn’t have to care for the 300 horses Robert.  Hire people that work under you.

14. Undecided on runny nose/Cheetos fingers

15. Xbox

16. No pain

17. Chef because I’d like to eat healthier over my instant microwave meals.#HotPocket4Life

18. I’m already both, but my natural gift is writer.  It comes easier to write my own words over someone eases words in a song. #noEgo

19. Four Square.  I don’t like hurting others by hitting them.

20. I live in an “average house” and it still feels overwhelming when things needs to be replaced, repaired or upkept.

21. YouTube 100%

22. Hot.  It doesn’t say you have to be under the shower head entire time. LOOPHOLE. 🤣

23. Maryland accent over both.  I’m not tough enough for a Brooklyn accent or snobby enough for a Bostonian accent.

24. If I dress like they do from the future - I’d be ahead of the fashion curve, but laughed out in this time.  So from the Past for me.

25. I’m already unknown so a meteoric rise will leave me with several adventure stories to share with my children/great grandchildren during that time.  I don’t need others remember me when I can share with a new generation.  Also they always have the “Where are they Now” stories to keep me relevant from time to time.

26. First of all gross question - but not hurting others.  I’d take the burden of phobias over that.

27. Common Neurotic Traits: 

28. I don’t have the dedication to memorize my lines and not have a chance to do a retake.  Doing a play is LIVE with no 2nd chances.

29. Justin can afford his own food.  Lions it is. 🦁🥩👗

30. I don’t want to be either. Skip.

31. Impressed how Women supporting Women turns on Women.  Let’s get it together.

32. Poseidon.  Nothing is going to kill me if I’m in charge.

33. Robert - you won’t be in the ocean the entire time.  There are underground caves and you can chill on rocks and Poseidon does have legs to come onto land.

34. Yes more of this Series Please.  And more surprise co-hosts. 👍


  1. Hope Robert does more of the series because i love reading your answers. :)

  2. SAME as above comment. Its like your in the room with Robert answering these and even with different reasons for your choices.


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