
1. Seemed a little more rational in the beginning of the video.👍

2. Robert might have “grown” but still wears the basic of a white t-shirt.

3. Correction:  Facial hair grows on its own.  Robert only learned to manage it.

4. Wondering:  Did I miss the “more stuff”? 🤔 (did he mean in the 1st video?)

5. LOL:  Robert “is Hot” right now comment.  Yea he is. LOL

6. Take the Poll: (right click to open in new tab)

7. That’s 14 months. #math

8. Excuse me.  Is Robert critic of Art after this? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

9. Note:  Maybe one (or more) of the kids could have been adopted so they have different styles.

10. What is this China Robert?  There is no limit in the Good Old US of A when it comes to kids.

11. 📍 Suggestion:  Maybe do a video covering details about the Titanic - facts and discuss the soundtrack. LOL

12. Lets look at some cute beavers.RobertIDK 2021 Quote.

13. Robert was a little salty when he noticed he didn't get the giant height gene. Though 5'9 (or 5'8 as Robert claims) isn't short for most.

14. Robert is complaining about not hitting the “Genetic Lottery”?  Has he not looked in a mirror lately?  Does he think the image on his screen is just a filter?

15. Mirrors & Me = Not My Friend. 🙈 So maybe he should just be Blessed with what he does have, which is more than most.

16. What is this “sleep” Robert speaks of?  LOL

17. Is Robert not touching it with a 10 foot pole because it’s not that big?  #ThinkDirty

18. I still have boxes of the hard floppy disks and 5.25 inch ones still today.

19. Truth:  My 5 dollar headphones from 5 Below has lasted longer than any of my other headphones.

20. Note:  No updated details on when Robert came out of University?  So we’re to assume:

1.  He found a new Girlfriend

2.  He found some emotional balance

3.  His brain was distracted with homework to give him troubles.

4.  People chatted up Robert and made lifetime Friends.


21. Braille Answer:  

(I have never read any books or documents that was done in braille.)

22. 📍 Suggestion:  Maybe Robert should not only call himself the “Leader”, but say, “I’m not only the Leader of the Boop Troop - I’m also a member”. LOL


  1. Ricky Devon from AtlantaApril 28, 2021 at 10:14 PM

    These are funny. You mixed a lot of stuff into one blog.

  2. I voted depends on the day and almost choked on the latest quote you posted here. hehe

  3. I like your braille answer.


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