WHY DOES THIS EXIST?! | Funny Online Communities

Notes: 1. Congrats to all #IDKers for coming through to save Sharkus’ life. I knew it could be done. 👍
2. Now Robert has to do is using his sewing skills and fix those holes so Rocco and Nobu know their violence tirade is over towards Sharkus. LOL 3. Am I the only one who saw that? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ --> “Long and Healthy life” and then Robert chucked him to the ground. LOL 4. 📍 Recall: The Worst Tattoos Of All Time (October 5, 2020) ---> https://youtu.be/FL5Hkmr7NQk

5. Miserable_men account is only Following one person. Wondering who that could be. 6. If you don’t know: Justice is an apparel chain supplying on-trend clothing, accessories & more for tweens. 7. Interesting: The mall drains a 26 year old man where the elderly can walk around the mall for hours without missing a step. 🤣
8. 📍 Proof Video: “My PAX Experience” (September 7, 2016) ---> https://youtu.be/XVAJEvZNqUk

9. If your asking for a certain style - how would you know if the assistant brought you the right thing anyway? 10. No. No tossing out Chic. Toss out some of the current slang that is just as silly. 11. By a show of hands - who wants Robert to try to copy this Dad’s appearance at 4:17 (Harold) 🙋‍♀️
12. I wasn’t one of the “stock upers” but if I can see their side - their response might be “the quarantine isn’t over yet Robert.” ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )
13. No matter how you say it “Absolute unit” - its still a slam against the fat. So its still hurtful. But a video in relation to animals who will never know - sounds ok. 14. LOL - now imagining the neighbors looking out their windows going “Look it’s Robert again walking around not wearing a shirt.” 15. Pretty daring knowing that everyone seems to own a phone with a chance to snap a photo or roll video and post it somewhere. 📸*click*
16. If Life is a competition when why do most kid sports everyone gets a trophy so their feelings don’t get hurt? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
17. I suspect Robert’s Mom knows far more than he thinks and shouldn’t be talking Sass about her on video.
18. I wouldn’t Sass to hard Robert. #RandomAdvice Does she know what allergies you might have to use to her advantage? How to tamper with brake-lines in your car? Also she likely has all your baby photos that you may not want her to release to the public. LOL


  1. I have been posting these on my Facebook page & so many do the LOVE and HAHA faces to them. So more should be coming. I think they only read & not commnet. :(

  2. Look how sensitive you are with number #13. Your looking out for others with issues that might trigger them. <3

    YES! #18 get sassy with your mum so we those pixs. :)

    Pretty dark about how you think his mum would cut his brake lines to his car. However neat that you think she would know mechanical stuff. LOL


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