Notes: 1. Wait: Isn’t RobertIDK already Legendary? Is he saying “up and coming” meaning “up and coming” after PewDiePie’s spot @ #1 on YouTube? 😎
2. Ok - who showed Robert where we keep the time machine to go back to 2016 to get this content? 3. Work (as in still work with someone @ their company? Or work on the same platform?) 4. We do intro theme song for this one, but not Mini-Monday? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
5. Question: Did Robert bite off more than he could chew by promising to post 4 times a week? 🤷‍♀️
6. Stinky wasn’t the first thought when I think of Robert’s butt. (Dainty, Bootylicious, Squeezable, ect..) 7. Dude with the car looks pretty hot resting on the side of the road while the other Dudes are riding around on their motorcycles. #sarcasm 8. That’s a major fail with the car guy because they cropped out the tow truck guy. LOL 9. Either that photo is photo-shopped or these twins have certainly taken two different paths in life. 10.📍 Name this Episode: Sandy: I love karate! SpongeBob: I love Kare-ah-tay! Mr. Krabs: I love money-ay! Squidward: I hate all of you. 11. Robert hand transformed into a Full-Sized Arse Spanker. (perhaps a side job idea?) 12. What Robert doesn’t know: The elderly couple are relatives of PewDiePie (the Pewds has no legs joke) 13. 📍 Next video request: Robert shakes a bag and say the word “Treats” to trigger the cats watching. LOL 14. I blame the article because its suppose to be AIR GUITAR and they thought they add some extras on their own. 15. The photographer just wanted to stay 6 feet apart - you know like the rules suggest for the virus. 16. Also wouldn’t they only get the girl in the hat in that photo? 17. According to WikiFeet there are no results for RobertIDK ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )
18. I had to put on the closed captioning to make sure I head the words “rip snorting” come out of Robert’s mouth. LOL


  1. Did you really post a SpongeBob scene? LOL


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