Notes: 1. Too soon. 🙅‍♀️ Maybe found the right “name generators” to choose a head of time where we’d get some descent Family names. 2. Honest: Shocked to see the Spiderman costume (or perhaps Robert’s “special PJ’s”) on screen. 3. Facts: We’ve never seen Robert & Spiderman in the same room so ~ is there a possibility? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4. How to do YouTube Properly? Easy. Step 1 - get an account Step 2 - give content Step 3 - appreciate subscribers who watch Step 4 - Never do anything that involves the need for an apology video. 5. In other words “Let’s Get This Party Started” (choose your performer of KoЯn or Pink) 🎵
6. 📍 Here is where it got Personal for me. I have been running with the IDKers name (with several others over time) because many thought it was the Family/Community name. Even if it wasn’t calling it DUMB wasn’t the way to go. 🙍‍♀️😢
7. So adding IDKers to the list when Robert already dismissed it - why add it to the list. He already put his negativity to that choice. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
8. Question: Why wasn’t one of the slot “OTHER” with a fill-in response for those who didn’t see the Community notes on time or even know about the Community note? 9. When I hear “Friends” all I want to do is clap like in the show ‘Friends’. Not original. 👏👏👏👏 <--(claps)
10. Wondering: Why did he not choose the name in a Foreign language? Something like Latin? French? 11. Robert Rats? What happens when one of them dies? Will he replace one to have two at all time? 12. 📍 Rats can stay connected, but be the Logo connected to the channel. #idea 13. So no Love for Nobu? It's all Rocco - all the time? 🐀 #sad 14. 🌟 Facts: Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) is a lung disease that causes inflammation in the small air tubes (bronchioles) and air sacs (alveoli) 15. 📌 Facts #2 - boop - Urban Dictionary www.urbandictionary.com › define › term=boop 1. A boop, or nose bump, is a common way for doggos to greet, show amazement, show friendship, or playfulness.  2. Affectionately poking someone on the nose, often accompanied by saying "Boop!"


  1. If someone taps me on the nose with some newspaper I'm going to knock them out.

  2. I thinking you 100% right. He should have done some better research on possible names on his own before doing this video. Carrot? WTF?

  3. He already made his choice so why drag it out?

  4. Looking fit in that Spiderman outfit.

  5. Думаю, исправление есть.


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