Things That Are ODDLY Terrifying...

Not tossing eggs/TP Notes (but want too)

1. I know Robert is thinking ahead of Turkey Day & the rest of the Holidays, but there is no excuse he had to taint (that’s right I wrote taint) the Halloween experience.

2. 🎃👻🦇 Halloween isn’t a surprise when its posted on the calendar as a Holiday and News discuss about how to keeps safe while trick and treating.

3. This reminds me of the kid who waits until the day they need a costume or snack for school and asks their mother to get it done for them last minute.

4. What happened to the “floating head” idea if he had no costumes available?

5. What’s wrong with all in black background and only using a flashlight and make it into a “camping ghost stories” feel.

6. Why didn’t Robert just add one or two Halloween decoration (you can print out for free online - some you can even color) or have a bowl of candy and “I’ll eat a candy every time I ….” (example get scared)

7. Robert can’t sacrifice a sheet or pillowcase to even just make a basic ghost costume? 👻

8. Don’t have any mustard in the house to apply to the face Robert to be the grown version of SpongeBob? If you want to make Bob scary - add some ketchup to rep blood. #DoesRobertNotHaveAHalloweenSpirit ?

9. SMH - not even a pumpkin to re-live the carving experience? 🔪🎃

10. Please don’t let this be the official Halloween video. This will is be just another 2020 disaster thing to experience.🤦‍♀️😢


  1. Maybe he put more effort in this video you wouldn't sound so sad about it. Lets hope he does better in the future.

  2. Черт побери, я полностью с тобой согласен. Стыдно, что он упустил эту возможность, чтобы все стало страшно

  3. �� Sounds like Robert is going to be sleeping on the couch tonight.


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